Thursday, September 01, 2005

absolutely positively pure evil

I came across this article after getting heated up in conversation during lunch over surging gas prices. This is history repeating itself and instead of investigating into profiteering, Bush just handed them a huge tax break instead(part of new energy bill). Its good old republican reaganomics where the true rulers of this country(oil companies) decide not to tricle ease our pain. Its enough to make any person go blind with rage. These people belong in a jail cell along side the recording industry ceos who sued John Fogerty over sounding too much like himself. Is there any place to hide? Not really, people are looting new orleans into the ground stealing saints jerseys for a sweet black market value of $10. Its enough to make you cry so hard that your tears start to smell like your lost dogs canned purina.

As a sidenote I received a double dooby dose of help from ruby and donny about how to eliminate span comments. Just turn the comments to registered users only. Gets rid of your leaky slaveship and alternative depression medications and brings dignity back to our feeble ranting about society.

jeff from the future-that last paragraph is going to bite me in the ass. You've got to turn the word identification on. Always one step ahead of me. One day those earth humans will create a board and nail so big it will destroy them all.


Blogger the homunculus said...

the oil companies don't control us. big tobacco controls us. or globochem and their 5729 products.

but seriously, oil is such a heavily regulated industry that true competition is made impossible. remember that under anti-trust laws, price-wars are illegal in addition to price-fixing. when that happens the only 'competition' comes with lobbying and, hence, a fucked up energy bill (see jeff grand's post for a rant on it). the solution is less regulation, not more.

7:29 AM  

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