Monday, July 25, 2005

running around

I've been away for a while and haven't been able to write. I've found myself at a hostel in rome late at night with free internet and now I can't help myself.

Lets see France amounted to and amazing wedding and more caviar than I've ever had in my life. Actually the first caviar I've ever had. Next was poland which is a bit more eastern european than one would think but that is where it is on the map. I went to the saltmines outside of Krackow which were over 900 years old and quite amazing. After being in the warsaw ghetto I decided that a trip to Aushwitz was a bit hard to take. Kubush took care of us and everything was right.

Italy has been Italia. Thats about all I can say about now. This post was incredibly self serving for which I'm sorry about. I bought a tank top from Kelly at Zara so that makes up for some of my selfishness. And as I type right now there are 3 girls from holland just bitching about the computer they are on and it doesn't' sound like any language just moaning mixed with accents. Pretty stupid I know but the girl just hit the screen next to me. This trip has been incredible but I went a restaurant tonight that the waiter asked us to leave after our second bottle of wine. Not because we were acting up but because they could make more money. I'm rambling..........I've been out of the real world for 2 weeks now and I've decided after watching a man carry his amp to individuals at bars covering knocking on heavens door that you can't follow your dreams. Fuck that. The sooner you learn that the more sane you will become. The key to life is......

does anyone want to know..

I've figured it out.

Here it is. keep your deepest darkest happiest goals in life a mystery and a hobby and do what you kind of want to do as real life. That way it is is much more sacred and wonderful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I should become a full time musician and an armchair physicist?

okay, see you at warped tour 2006. The Homunculus will be headlining, though reluctantly.

ha just kidding, you've convinced me to smoke cigarettes and drink booze full time, and look for true love on the side.

ha, just kidding again, I should be a smart-ass full time and sincere only as a hobby. wait, that's what i do! YOU'RE A GOLDEN GOD!

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun brother, and I'll see you in CHI-TOWN in the future.

I'm going to stuff envelopes full time, and smoke pot while watching tv on the side.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

plus a thousand, Jeff...

that's exactly why I'm doing 826CHI, and if it turned into a full-time gig that would be fab, but with all the hot breath of "careeeerrrr" blowing on my neck (in the form of my dad), I also realized I have to do something I "kind of" want to do, but kind of don't.

though I wish it weren't, it is important to have stability, in the form of income, insurance, and purpose.

job hunt sucks, but I'm glad I read your post bc it makes me feel better about having great sacred secrets that I must remind myself of everyday I look for a "career."

And I keep putting "career" in quotes bc you don't really find a career like you find an upside down penny. It's an accumulation, and I'm barely, in your term, a q.p. with cheese.

I am listening to the Amelie soundtrack after recently finding it in my mom's car. I think I'd be happy to live like Amelie Poulin...she had a fabulous destiny

and if we were all following our dreams, Doubledate would be co-headling with the Homunculus (which I still pronounce like "ho-mono-nuculosis, bc my brain assumes it's the word mononucleosis) and I would have REAL pink hair.

or I'd own my own karaoke bar in Osaka, Japan so I could sing George Michael whenever I wanted to, with occasional Journey covers

9:02 AM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

thanks for the support sarah and not the scoffs left before you.

10:38 AM  

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