Thursday, March 13, 2008

darling show at sub-t tonight

Sunday, March 02, 2008

best nothingheads show ever

Thursday, February 28, 2008

darling show this friday at Lilly's

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

radiohead taekwondo and sledding and a darling weekend

Right around new years TKD aerobics had this advertisement on their building. Its kind of like a time capsule of where I've lived for the past 4 years.

Here's the new postert

Also we're playing on the radio on Friday at 9pm CST on Pure Hype which you can hear live streaming here and learn more about here

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Plastic Christmas, New Years, and the sweater party

It all feels like one long drawn out boozy-laced dream. It all started here:

This is emmett singing plastic christmas with his toy soldiers on stage. This party was super fun, many thanks to Myk for organizing it.

The next picture is Anand who brought some hummus and beat dip for pita which he harvested from his moms preparation for a get together that night


And finally we have some shots from the sweater party:

here's dan

and rudy

In other news I passed my thesis proposal which has terrified me for the past two months.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Darling and the Nothingheads are finally teaming up for a show and its this friday.

For more info about the venue go here.
For more info about the event go here.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It feels like I'm in a snowglobe that was just shaken

I dug my car out twice today and the second time I felt like William H. Macy in Fargo. The part that made me feel fargo was when there was a bus blocking my getting out of a street spot. Nice little end to the work day. It turned out to be a moving van that wasn't moving at all.

I finally got around to putting together a thesis committee and will be proposing my next 4 years or so of research next month. Nothing like a deadline to light a fire under your ass. But if I think I have it bad I was chatting with Pip the other night and he said he's lucky if he gets out of the office by 1am. That office better have an area where pip can make some no fuss fajitas or else there will be something to fuss about.

December has slipped his icy head into our lives and I've felt time move faster. I'm hell bent on trying to prove that time moves faster between 4-6 due to a change in the earths tilt. The difference in being a grad student and a technician is that as a student you want to get in as much as you can and it sucks when the day runs out of time. However as a technician it was sweet when time flew by. I guess thats a metaphor for me liking what I'm doing right now.

In the past month I've thrown my sister a surprise party and have gone to the singleman affair show. At least thats what I've documented for the records.

Here's the peak of my sis's party. Two schneiders dancing while one takes pictures, what more could a party goer want.

Then I took a picture of the audience at the singleman show.

picture of Juli while Dan was playing little sister.

I dug up an old video of when Jason, Pip, I played our second show ever. It was way back in May of 2004 at the Sub-T. Its under influences on darlings myspace page. The camera work is a little jittery but the memory is solid gold. I bet pip's longing for mars bars and jason's gonna report back to reeses once he's done with shaker(check book he flips at beginning is reese's travel journal).

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