Wednesday, October 24, 2007

shameless self-promotion, like that car commercial you sit through before you watch a video on the internet

Darling is playing this friday as the misfits for a halloween party/art show at the sub-t. LMNOP kicks the show off at 7pm and we go on at 8pm. Here's the poster for the show:

In addition Rudy Voit will be singing the monster mash with us and everyone is invited to come on stage to sing the chorus(he did the mash) as well as do the monster mash dance(which Rudy will explain). As an added memento, Yishai will be taking a panoramic picture of everyone on stage dancing and singing.

Whooo. So its almost November and I've been feeling it in the cold winds(wopping 48 degrees). It was just 2 weeks ago that we were in hot florida. The ceremony was perfect(guy that married kit and nat was a minister, a buddhist monk, and a native american shaman: a triple threat and even looked like the architect from matrix) and you couldn't have asked for better weather. Here's the lineup, notice how eddie and I are posing for this shot, meanwhile nick is all about respect.

And a pic of the happy bride and groom

Can't finish a photoshoot without the crazy picture. This is how I get ready to jump , really. Since my camera is ancient(2000-digital cameras are similar to block cellphones from the 80's) it wasn't able to capture people in the air.

Finally thanks kit and nats family for treating us to such an awesome weekend. And especially for this 26 person SUV limo with the party's crashing us now cranked at max volume.

Pumpkin carving time has arrived and I may have peeked out this year. Points for if you can guess who I carved on my pumkin. Its obviously the one on the right with a slight bit less meticulous attention to detail.


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