Thursday, May 24, 2007

We finally got tagged

So Will may have been right about the fact that even the tumbleweeds get hit by bullets in logan square. I may have seen someone get there car broken into right behind mine but somehow this seems more damaging.

I've started a little plant in lab and it finally sprouted. I started it from a piece a paper that had seeds embedded in it and potting soil I pushed into my tupperware after eating lunch on the quad.

I'm a voting member for student government and yesterday our final meeting was to decide whether or not to kick coke off campus. I voted against it with the opinion that if people wanted coke off campus they would stop buying coke. Apparantly its a pretty heated issue at other schools as well. The meeting was complete full of activists and journalists. To read more go here.

As I was driving home today I was listening to a story about carlson hospital where PTSD soldiers go after they've been shellshocked. I suggest listening to the audio bits if you have a chance. The whole idea of healing everyone who returns from Iraq has a bit of a Pat Barker's Regeneration feel to it. For example in the story it mentions, "One of the things that's extremely important in our jobs is minimizing the stigma associated with PTSD," the director of Fort Carson's medical center, Dr. John Cho, told dozens of supervisors at a recent session. And in Regeneration, "You can't talk to anybody here,' Prior said. "Everybody's either lost somebody, or knows somebody who has. They don't want the truth. It's like letters of condolence. "Dear Mrs. Bloggs, Your son has had the side of his head blown off by a shell and took five hours to die." Taking a step back I have no idea what is going on anymore in Iraq. I tend to enjoy the mad TV version of iraq But seriously is it that the republicans have all their money tied up in haliburten and service contracts that if we pulled out it would send our country into a second great depression? Is the new bill just an oh shit by democrats saying here is the new bill with no pullout plan, now you can plan one to spring on the iraqis. I can't really tell, its sofa king annoying.


Blogger Kit Nat said...

I have no fing idea what is going on in Iraq either. I listen to NPR but then frustrated with the bullshit and turn it off. After that I always feel bad. But then I f it and I start drinking wiskey right out of the bottle!!!

9:25 AM  
Blogger the homunculus said...

that line was sofa king funny.

3:47 PM  

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