Thursday, December 29, 2005

Belgium Waffles

So we just sold a couple of cds to Belgium thanks entirely to this extended review in derives. If you're feeling brave try the untranslated edition. Pip don't jump the gun on the royalties yet as we are barely pushing a profit after the euro airfare. So if it seems like I've fallen off the earth, I have. I should be in for a peak on New Years Eve.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ghost world

The work week between christmas and new years is always an abandoned wasteland. The few the proud the pathetic that muster the energy to get work done. Christmas was good fun and I thoroughly enjoyed rainbra. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I'd seen Ruby since she cruised cali. Good to see her and her new beau Brett, who is good as gold in my book. He even verified a quasi-quindi cindy sinbag siting darting throught the rainbo curls and and all(I think I even saw a military style side-bag). Man I have nothing to say right now so I'll dip into ramblings I conjured on Sunday night. The thought struck me that pani-mation is a funny take on anime. So here I introduce Peter Pan with a dirty asian twist alla ghost in a shell. I thought Panime even sounded good but my sister called me out and told me to stick with panimation.

Friday, December 23, 2005

One of these days

One of these days I think out christmas presents farther than 4 days before christmas. I'm a pretty tolerable person though and don't mind fighting people for parking spots and having people walk into you while gabbing on the cell phone. But I do think I give out sincere gifts for the most part(excluding my last year present to my brother which was DVD he already owned, not to classy on my part) so why fix it if it ain't broke. This year was no different as I finished shopping for 4/5 people from the computer today and I think I did pretty good. For pickup of course, I'm no will

Its the classic dec 23rd party night before christmas weekend. This holiday before the holiday has much in common with the wednesday before thanksgiving where everyone is thrown into a state of utter relief and freedom the shackles of modern society. I got myself a kaitlin sighting on Wednesday night and she needs to come out again to prove to stella how she will get her chicago groove back.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Imagine that, I would definitely put pavement down as one of my influences

If anything getting reviewed in another country and getting compared to pavement makes putting an album out worth it even if you have to front the whole thing.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

You said you got T-Rexs...

Somethings a brewing at UofC and it looks like it may be dinosaurs. I had so many lines to choose from("clever girl","I remember my first show the flea circus", "You name it we got it, Jurassic park is back online!",feel free to add your awesome jp line, man did that sound lame). In any case I walk through this area everyday and I have no idea why they need a fence so high, if anyone could fill me in that'd be great. And before anyone says security, know that the other side is an open area for hanging out between classes or if you've so happened to decide to play frisbee between classes, kind of like the quad but much smaller and obviously less cool. Yes, you guessed it, less cool because you can't throw an aerobie frisbee from one end and hula hoop the top of foelinger on the other end.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

myth busters

Ever seen mythbusters? I would like to see what the guys on the show have to say about this . I think Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad better look at his english translater again. Good word sweet jebus this guy is crazy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

funky Buddha

So I was having a few grolsch latch-tops with JC and Nick at the Quench last night and I begin to hear a ghost from the past. I turn around and ask the ghost in question if he ever lived in Budapest. He answers yeah why. I proceeded to explain to him that he was part of the reason I missed four trains out of Budapest due to recreational activities. Now don't get me wrong I did enjoy the thermal baths and underground exploration of buda but I did bring the entire hostel to tears watching "Its a wonderful life" on Christmas day. Getting back to the encounter aforementioned previously, Justin finally said, "oh yeah we went to that reggae bar." I replied, "yup thats the time I'm talking about, when you got all up on blondie." Now Justin was from Chicago so I thought maybe I'd see him when I got back to the big city. Now thats a small world.

Here's a picture I took on my way home. It looked pretty creepy and really demarcated the end of the night for me.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Plastic blocks the whisper from old man winter

Toiled and it took its toll. Bits of paper every 3 feet and plastic scattered everywhere. I just finished putting plastic on the windows to keep the cold out and its definitely one of the most testing activities but at the end no matter what I always feel like I've accomplished something grand. Along the lines of building my own motor. Its there and I've fought the good fight against stepping out of the shower and feeling a nuclear winter. Its like slipping out of a banana leaf in the jungle into an ice cold speedway polar freeze 44 ounce pop with a few melted ice cubes.

So school ended for the quarter on Friday at exactly 12 noon and coincidentally was right when I turned in my last final. After sending the email attachment I threw on my giant plastic geloshes and went to work at the flow facility for another 3 weeks. I was welcomed back with a great now cover for me. Its good to be back home and out of the cold. I don't start my next quarter til Jan 3rd which gives me 3 weeks to put the new lineup together consisting of 3 new members and currently we have about 3 new songs and are looking towards adding at least 3 more.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Yeah I think I'll be staying at the library tonight...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tommy and Atlas win!

every man is free to rise as far as he' s able or willing, but it's only the degree to which he thinks that determines the degree to which he'll rise

Friday, December 02, 2005

snow angel snow angel would you be mine

Walking through the snow is such a novelty at the beginning of winter. Everyday I walk through the same park of the same desable african american history museum. I see the same statues and the same trees. Now though the snow has thrown a new skip in my step and its quite liberating. Let me suggest the song glodoli off the new sigur ros album ,takk, for your next snow walk through the park. Its incredibly angelic and has a march fit for a budweiser clidesdale army. One week exactly til I get to flip the off switch and slip into novels, music, and byobbbbb for 3 weeks. I love the idea of the off lever. The trouble is some people get to a perpetual state in their life when the off switch has a chained sign saying its out of comish. Odds are there is no janitor on his way to fix the one philips head screw to make it operational.

I saw a kid walking around campus with a backpack the size of chunk from goonies and, you guessed it, red flannel pants. I was about to sidle up to him and say, "ain't finals a bitch." but decided he wouldn't understand because when you're in the flannel pants bubble the country could have been bombed and you wouldn't know it. I bet he had double flannels on because oh geez its colder than 7 bitches on a bitch boat today. Oh don't blame me for that comment it came straight from donkey puncherello. Oh yeah back to the idea of it being cold, you know its freezing when you shoot some window shield wiper fluid and you get amazing ice crystals forming across your window which are quite awe inspiring until you realize they completely impede your ability to drive. The winter experience is much better when felt indoors. For example I worked from home yesterday morning, by work I mean finished a homework assignment, and it had snowed about a foot and I was able to wake up naturally, enjoy a long shower, have a bowl of cereal, and drink a cup of coffee. That would be a nice lifestyle which I plan on achieving one of these days but just seems ridiculously too good to be true right now.

In pip news, I got the new iron and wine with calexico from jeff a couple days ago and its great. Aside from a couple stinkers its a nice mix, especially "16, maybe less" which sounds like a song about a petterass but really its just Iro talking about being that young. Anand is coming in this saturday call me if you're interested. I'll only be out for something like a 4 hour period this entire weekend due to finals so pick your battles wisely.

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