Wednesday, November 30, 2005

why did my day have to start with grosser than gross?

I've been under the gun lately with finals this week and all. Lets just say I'm decked out in all flannel. So I had class at 9 and went to the library at 10:30 for email/study time and go to use the bathroom in the basement and low and behold I hear a rhythmic, perpetual, swish swashing motion coming from one of the stalls. At first I was like no way that's unpossible(me get an A that's...). But after washing my hands and the realization that there is heavy breathing going on, I scat like hell and b-line for the door. As I walked out of the door it felt like the part in indiana jones and the temple of doom where indie and all the children are freed from the clutches of hell. I must have scared a few people who were studying with my absolute bogglemnent expression on my face and retarded stutter steps I used as I walked away. Every person thinks they have a sexual energy level worse than the next what with modern day technology and easy access to erotica but this really scared me. This guy somehow needs the ol public bathroom morning farmers scramble to get his day started. I suddenly felt the stresses of the world lifted from my shoulder and realized no matter what I'm doing today it couldn't be worse than that. Everything in this world is relative and when you visualize your place don't imagine it as a stand alone but as an accent on society. Although stand alones have been the ones who have implemented change, they have been for the most part chemically imbalanced. In the grand scheme of things there are 3 people in this world: people who strive to make the world a better place, evil people, and those who are too apathetic about the current state to care anymore.

Currently I've put darling on hiatus to actually perpetuate my graduate existence. While I had the band going strong I scored below average but now that I'm solely working on one thing I'm scoring above average. Why can't I find a happy medium with two lives? Is it inherent as love with the whole organ rejection paradigm?* Do I need these love drugs in life as well. In any case after the quarter ends I'll start with a fresh lineup and it will be an experiment of sorts as we have a show at Sub-T on Jan 5th. Come if you want to either see me embarrass myself or get your socks knocked off.

As far as movies and music have gone lately. (M0) I saw Zelig which isn't as good as annie hall but was an awesome old 20's mockumentary. (MU) The new animal collective "feels" is addictive and far superior to sung tongs. The new broken social scence self titled + free EP is outstanding as well. Thanks be to Brett for that suggestion(9.99 at best buy). Islands show this Friday, can't wait, hope to hear a random unicorns song if possible.(nobody nobody nobody ah hu a ha hu hu its true. Ten points for anyone who can decode my lack of knowledge of unicorns actual lyrics into one of their songs)


Blogger one too many mornings said...

moderation is the key to life

10:02 AM  
Blogger Kit Nat said...

We all know it was you masturbating. You don't need to try to fool us with your sly story.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i like your post. my initial thought was that the guy in the stall was obviously homeless. i also liked the post when you mentioned scottie d. lux's graduation party and the weakerthans quote to mayor quimby. classic

2:22 AM  

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