Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Like taking my first step off the stairway to heaven...woh!

So I officially left the 9-5er and am enrolled in classes. It feels like I'm swimming in a lake now and although I have a PFD, there are now sharks circling. Either I become friends with the sharks or I do as Batman does and give them a few whacks until they explode. Its funny how fast things fall out of your head. Whats that pointy thing you eat with? Oh yeah I get jokes. I've developed a list of top 5 things that get effected by leaving a job and starting school:

1.) place to heat up lunch and store objects to attack and hold my food
2.) Regularity (I won't get into this one)
3.) Obsessive constant email updates(scary dependence on technology good bye)
4.) loss of "Space out" time from 6:30pm-sleep(kryptonite for social jeff)
5.) Time at work dedicated to Darling promotion now eliminated

There are perks of starting school and I would feel bad if I didn't include a top 5 list for these as well

1.) Lose of guilt as I flash my dated student card at movies
2.) Free food everywhere(dinner at the shedd not too shabby although fed fish)
3.) Return ticket to fantasy camp with stamp indicating boozetime is now studytime
4.) Hanging out on quad catching a frisbee with one hand and studying with other
5.) Ability to think on my own

In other news, Darling will be playing a show tomorrow night(9/28) at Schubas with The Robot Ate Me! The last time I went and saw robot ate me, the lead singer made Emmett sing a song with him and jump around on stage. He alienated most of the people in the audience into participation but in a good way. We go on at 8pm. Be there or be ???(hint the person typing this is making a equal sided quadrilateral in the air with his primary digits and thinks its funny).


Blogger kit said...

Hey, going back to school, not as hard as I thought. But thats just me, the waterslide and margarita parties in psychology might not happen up there in biology land. Plus side? More free time during the day.

6:24 PM  

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