Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Is it strange to eat popcorn and drink a beer at a bar by yourself?

I didn't think so. I was listening to the gogo sox on the radio last night and once it got to the bottom of the 9th the 1940's lifestyle got the better of me and I needed electrons clashing against a screen to satisfy my lust for sports. I threw on my flippers and swam to the quench. Sidled myself up to table for one, bought a red hook, packed a basket of popcorn and watched the sox barely topple the tribe. Its quite strange hanging out in the bar by yourself because it leads you to observe other people at the bar even more than when your attention deficit gets the best of you in conversation while out with a group. There was the classic one girl with 3 guys who's obviously just got out of a relationship and is ready to take the world on. There were the 4 betas who just got back from volleyball attempting a rhythmic yeah/clap for each play while gambling on each inning. Then there was me sipping a soda, eating popcorn, without a care in the world as to whets going on outside of the Cleveland sox game. Then I started to notice people getting off the bus and having petsmart employee clothes on. Working into the weee hours and taking PT all the way home would drive me more crazy than I already am.

As for the horizon Darling has a show with hummingbiird and the part V this friday at Cobb coffee shop at UofC. Next wednesday Darling is playing with the Robot ate me at Schubas at 8pm.


Blogger the homunculus said...

i tend to do the same thing. a lot. only difference is i only pretend to watch sports.

the other night, two beautiful girls turned to me to ask a question. i instantly thought YES I'M IN! "do you know college football?" shit. no. i'm out.

maybe i'll try to coordinate a surprise visit with a darling show.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...


just make an abstract analogy or reference an obscure team/golden year combo that makes you sound like you know what you're talking about. I do it all the time when talking sports.

You'll be gold.


9:38 AM  

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