Friday, January 21, 2005

I want to build igloos

So there is supposed to be a massive snowfall tonight and tomorrow of about 7-10 inches. This wields me back to soph year of college when there was such a huge snowfall that one of the buildings generators shortedout/someone set it on fire and we had a snowday in college, a feat never before imagined. We did the only thing appropriate and set our sails for Allerton and the tumbling snow covered hills. This was a much different era, Will was on the verge of being declared rookie of the year with a little competition from Efrain the train(Will won hands down) and the Stroka Regime dominated Healey. Anyway we didn't really have a consistent group of girls but it was already in the crystal ball that a posse of street savvy TVD's would be on the way, ready to fight for solo possession and all rights to the Glenn Frye stank billowing out of the chimney of 104 east john. The road is twisted and there are a few forks but that pretty much brings us up to the present


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