Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Will and Nick's return to the blog scene reminds me of a trip to Easter Island only this time the statues uplift from their rooted slumber and cause chaos. If only Kit got the memo.

In any case, Christmas came and went much like "the life aquatic." I'm sorry I wanted something to blow me out of the water here(no pun intended) and more of a kick ass score than acoustic bowie. It makes me feel like the comicbook guy voicing his complaint over the internet. What do the celebrities possibly owe you? Is it just me or aren't things supposed to get better with time? Maybe not, lets cite a few examples-

Weezer-stellar performances with the blue and pinkerton albums but why did you have to put the oh's on repeat with a fuzzy guitar for the next 3 albums.

Star Wars-jim jam jonks is the wave of the future. Its like alphabet cereal but only has J's!


Kevin Smith-From Clerks to Dogma, I think my hair turned grey in response to the rapid deterioration much like that scene in Stephen Kings IT.

I'm going to stop because this is scaring me. I had no idea until I started writing it down. And before you comment that, "Hey its just the Biz's strangle on the artist," remember Beck's never done something uncool. Where there's a will there is cool.

All and all The Life Aquatic was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and it definitely deserves multiple viewings, only it falls short of Tenny,Rush,and Rocket. The only part of the formula that I've seen change is the addition of Noah Baumbach to the script writing. I'll leave this thought with words from my father, "I wouldn't pay 8 bucks to see it again, it'll be rental." I think I saw Royal Tennebaums 6 times in the theatre but why don't I have the same excitement now. Its like finding out Santa Clause doesn't exist, the tooth fairy is really your parents putting money under the pillow, batman uses a gun, and that Mags is now a Cub. Just a little hurt but the build up was great.

Her is another theory, maybe Wes Anderson got on such a kick about writing about washed up people- Anthony Adams, Herman Blume,Royal Tenenbaum,Chas Tenenbaum,Margot Tenenbaum,Richie Tenenbaum,Eli Cash,and new to the list Steve Zissou. Maybe Wes is causing himself to burnout on purpose for his fourth autobiographical installment. I can only hope.


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