Friday, December 17, 2004

If the world is a map of the soul then I'm Pangean

I'm always wondering that if Pangea hadn't broken apart then maybe we'd be living in a unified utopia. Maybe we would have retractable tongues as well. There would only be one religion and one holy land or no religion and no holy land. Is it possible that creativity would take a hit as well as we all know arts and entertainment only come out of personal torture and despaired? I have absolutely no Philipsesque articles to back this up(wahhhhh! why don't you subscribe to the trib it will last longer... just do it my father will beat me if you don't...I'm not the first Pip) but I think its true. Also none of us would have been born and my hands would start turning clear on the keyboard much like Marty's brother in the picture from Disneyland.

I've had long discussions with my brother about not believing in anything and thus falling to the evil sounding term of atheism. Which is ever so much different then the rosy fresh smelling term of Agnostic. He can't take that as my answer so he says I believe in love as a religion and walks away. Love isn't a religion. Love doesn't explain the origin of human existence since both love and shagging create human life.

So here, I started my own religion and now I can achieve cult status. What was around before any of the religions started and actually contained all the holy lands. Pangea was and did. It makes perfect sense to believe in. If you look at the map of Pangea it actually looks like a human face.


Blogger one too many mornings said...

uh-oh.. what's all this God talk..."better remove all the colored chalk stat."
Hey all I said is that I believe in love, not that it created the universe.
quote me better next time

everyone knows microsoft created the universe..wait no thats the cyber-space.
whatever. its good to believe in things
I like pangea it looks like jim carrey in "the mask" how do I sign up?

12:10 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

don't you worry, my friend. I've got you covered:,,1062-1403445,00.html

The point of that article, and partly related to what you said, is that when art is constricted by government funding, or by cultural and social moores, as a whole we are, indeed, "worse for the wear," so to speak. Call me crazy, but Pangea has a few too many orafices to be a face, unless we were meant to have six nostrils. But of course.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh, the opening shots of Blog Wars "The Wrath of Gib".

don't make me break my anonymity and start publishing as well. (lost god streak intact)

Anyway, human nature is such that there would be cool weird original artistic shit goin down in Pangaea, but it would be somewhere in those islands in the middle, and we wouldn't know about it until it was already lame.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

Thats a little strange because I showed this to a co-worker a couple hours ago and I told her if I lived in Pangea I would live one of those islands in the lake in the middle. yowzers

1:39 PM  
Blogger kit said...

"all you need is love" da da da da da, Hey, I want in on this love religion, ground floor, and while your at it throw in some peace and goodwill.

11:03 PM  

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