Friday, October 29, 2004

WELCOME TO THE BLACK PEARL, Lets raise Hallitburton!

"Bush team takes to the road while Kerry team raises Halliburton!!!" I felt it a fitting article for this rainy Friday morning. It sounds more like a creation from the natty staff at the "redeye." I bet you someone is getting railed out this morning in the redeye conf. room. "Who do they got on their investigative team, I'll pay double". Some people have a green thumb. I have a green nose. Now get that serendipitous Sleuth.

It certainly feels like Halloween nowadays. When I was walking to my car this morning I could feel the rainy colorful leaves beneath my feet and could see the early morning fog in the air. I carved a pumpkin last night and started with an elaborate plan for Ralph Wiggum but ended up cutting half the side of the pumpkin off. Now it slightly resembles a Smeagle Wiggum. My precious I saw one of the babies come out and it winked at me.

Somehow Owen was quite fitting for this dismal morning followed by forbidden love(a nick pick,one time in the car we put on the first song and he was like,"finally something that I want to listen to and enough of that sad bastard s$%t you've been c#%ping down my throat since freshman year, oh wait this is slow oh no I've been converted into a sad bastard as well. WELCOME TO THE BLACK PEARL flash forward to nick being parachuted up into the air from down in the gullies THIS IS REAL). "You can bring the food, and I'll bring the F#$k you's." Oh Owen your so deep and troubled. I just want to tend to your hardened soul. As a praise to Pip I'd have to rate the The Arcade Fire a mighty rating of 4 stars. It sounds like a hybrid between 70's bowie, consistent modest mouse, and Animal Collective.

Whew that last paragraph had absolutely no direction. It was like I got inside the cockpit of a go-cart and decided to sit facing the wrong way. How did I steer and pedal you say? My entire body is double jointed and is much worse than that scene in that Red Hot Chili Peppers video.

Moving towards a cleared direction apparently I have dreads growing now. I think it is from switching from fancy shampoo to VO5. I thought I had found liquid gold and I'm not talking about high guys. I'm talking about never spending over a dollar on shampoo again.

Happy Halloween to Madison, Champaign and wherever people close to me are spending all hallows eve.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

This picture is from the show at the bottle where Jason was a rabbit and I was a knight. I kept feeling like those guys who run around on the quad were going to be at the show for some reason and at any minute I was going to be tackled by some guy in cargo jeans and a drawn on red dragon crescent. The show was really fun and Sainte Chapelle were brilliant. I decided to also add a few photo albums from my phone pics and digital cameraPosted by Hello

This is my favorite picture from the weekend. We recorded our song keyholes where I stood in another room and looked through the doorway to stay in time. The best part about it is that you can see my shadow getting ready to sing just like peter pan follows Robin Williams.  Posted by Hello

During recording Jason began to turn into pure light much like that scene in the movie Powder. Gary watches in awe. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

like a bat to the head while floating in an anti-gravity chamber

This past weekend we converted an ancient warehouse into a recording studio. It is right south of Cermack and Michigan which isn't the safest neighborhoods. We recorded our last two songs there and Pip and Jason went for a white castle run and were told to "eat drink and die b#%ch". This time around we went to Phoenix(in Chinatown) and everybody worked together with separate pieces added to the meal as a whole accompanied by a lazy Susan, spin. You couldn't tell we had been recording all weekend. All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Then I read the paper today...

377 tons of explosives were reported to have been stolen by insurgents from a facility outside of Baghdad.

377 tons of explosives is a scary number and knocked me out of my happy recording land that I resided in all weekend.

I know that this didn't happen recently but good lord if it only takes 1 pound to blow up an airplane(pan am flight 103,1988 killing 177), picture what 754,000 times that will do. Yup that knocked me out of happy land. Its times like these that I need to wear a jet pack rocketeer style around.

Friday, October 22, 2004

eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep

The Newcity article came out this week and to my inner desire self-satisfaction one my camera phone pictures was published. It even had my name on it although it didn't say courtesy of Jeff Schneider. I was under the impression that the editor had a contemplation to put the big C word but then decided that I did enter it a bit ambiguously like Peter Parker. I was disappointed to find that the picture was only on the print version but here for your pleasure is the online article. Its pretty well written even though I done haven't looked at that there grammar thing since hikeschool. I really didn't have to type like that, as you can see from my past 60 blogs, my grammar is pushing 5th grade level. I don't even think I can write in full cursive anymore. How the hell do you write an upper case Q, is it a 2 with wings or something? I'll just make the world happy and start talking in numbers. 6482. That meant hello and I love you and would you like to go to the park with me and maybe play in the sandbox. I can't tell if that's more confusing than my previous ramble.

In any case the show at the bottle was fun. Complete with Jason in a giant camo bunny suit, Pip as a super tall astronaut(Neil Armstrong was crapping in his pants), Jessyln was a fly(there was a sign that said check your fly before going on stage and I thought it fitting), and finally I was a knight complete with knee guards and meshy chain mail. People always talk about doing things in wicker park and how there going put on big shows and to quote kit quoting tannembaums,"take it out and chop it up." For about 98% of the time things fall through. As Nick was telling me, my friends always come up with these elaborate ideas like Brad getting an army of mopeds for us all to cruise around in but when it comes down to it people just want to eat macaroni and cheese and go to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep for the whoo weekend yahah;odiahfae;o8iherpqae9hja;ia;heo;ah03280yh@"P(Y#2'h to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day...

Maybe that was a little extreme but I have a few friends that call me the 'extreme "tell it how it is" machine'.

A sidenote, Will referenced and awesome article in his 10/19/04 blog entry and you can go read it here.


I just wanted to throw that in.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Relax-Just do it-When you want..

I like this song. Of course you do...

The Vinyl party was a throwback to the old and the celebration of cross mogination in general. I don't think I looked at my watch the entire night. The only clock I went off was the next person to Relax Just do it When you want to. And that kept ticking till the brickety break of dawn. A special thanks to the Voss man boss man for cleaning up in the morning. When I awoke I could hear a faint "Upon the mountain my lord sang" which I knew was Neock getting down to business. I particularly liked discussions around the dirty floor to ten cups of coffee and my buddy Tony SoprAno. Also seating six at standees was a dream in the making. We may have run out of real estate for plates but there was a ton of camaraderie hailing back to the days of the knights of the round table at OHOP. Or at least that was the Impression That I Got. It was quite civil though, no lost eye balls due to Tours of Italy, like a previous trip to the Olive Garden. The poor unfortunate soul who had to sit between the Trickler and Stroka.

One more thing before I proceed: vossman=bossman=neock=shmeok=trickler=same person

Friday, October 15, 2004

Dinghies for everybody

As I am in the story writing mood I thought I would indulge and give a few gems before the noon hour. This morning was rainy and I began to hope for rain that would bring the water level up to my head and therefore impend cars from driving down the streets. Then your just left with those weird people who for some reason or another have paddle boats ready at their disposal and cruise around aimlessly to be on the 10oclock news. You'd also have those goofballs that joined underwater hockey out and about ready to highstick. Its days like this that I wouldn't mind taking the dinghy out for a good read. Everyone can take dinghies to my party as well as I am on the 3rd floor. Don't let the records get wet or else they'll warp. Hold them high above your head on the way over. I know everyone has their story but I lost an Otis Redding record to water damage and I'll never be the same. As I look outside the rain is all but gone thus ending my elaborate hypothetical fantasy scenario.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ah last november we had ourselves a little bender... Posted by Hello

The Dark Side of Jason's face. Posted by Hello

The land that is Carbondale

I left work a little early on Friday and ate Salmon in the car so as not to waste a single minute of time. In any case we made it down to the Dale and slipped right into the hot-tub. Highlights of the night were a midnight walk through the woods and a game of ghosts in the graveyard(where the picture of Jason's face came from). We stayed up until 6 or so and went to sleep for about 4 hours only to find the sweet smell of Pancakes wafting through the air. Saturday I can honestly say we grabbed life by the horns. Under the careful guidance of our camp counselors skit and skat we went to inspiration point(boulder on the edge of a cliff where one is supposed to think), the natural bridge(where nicks pic is taken),and finally to Fat Man's Squeeze. About four years ago Will and Nick took a bike ride down to the Carbondale and I met up in my car. We went to Fat Man's Squeeze only Nick and Kit were to fat back then to squeeze through. I guess that proves the theory that college makes you fat and lazy because this year we all made it through to no avail. Bravo to Kelly and Natalie for squeezing through. I can't imagine trying to make it through with two pickets to tittsburgh. Saturday night was peaceful and we sat next to the lake and hung out with Glow-worms. These Glow-worms didn't have sleepy eyes or long stocking hats but were more like slimer from ghostbusters in composition. They still managed to produce peaceful ambiance for our looking at night sky reflected off the water conversations.

The weekend in a nutshell or a sweet shot of Nick's Caboose. I decided not to tell the other guys about the picture. Everything was there. I knew it and they knew it. That magical weekend made me feel alive. But weren't we all on that fateful day in October.  Posted by Hello

Friday, October 08, 2004

Official October 16th Vinyl Party sign up

Just go to the comments and sign up.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

He's taken off one of his shoes and I think he's crying

The top three musical meltdowns of two thousand four so far are as follow:

3.)Cass McCombs-Is that 40 year old lady out of commision because those two middle schoolers are looking for her.

2.)Apples in Stereo-Robert Schneider I didn't know you were taking us on a field trip to the cock rock palace.

1.)Matt Sharp-I may still be in love with the Rental's tunes but its abundantly clear that Matt Sharp looks in the mirror all day long. Its too early in his career for a greatest hits album(i.e.playing old Rental's tunes acoustic and really slow). Now I know what it feels like to be Rivers Cuomo. I said Matt Sharp was the glue of old weezer, now I realize he was the nacho cheese. He did a slow circular motion on stage resembling Barney with a guitar and just gazed.

Its strange. All three of these concerts were at the Bottom Lounge. It is also the home of our worst show to date.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Weezer Glue and Blue

The weekend in three sentences:

On Friday I lost to my brothers team in softball and now I'm the oldie hawn.

On Saturday night I chugged a bottle of wine and danced around like a pixie

On Sunday I scraped wallpaper off my parents kitchen while my mom stood behind me with a JS Voodoo doll like in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

I'm going to see Matt Sharp tonight and hope to hear some rentals but anything that "the glue of old weezer" decides to play I'll be game for.

I'm taping the debate because I think John Edwards is going to kick a little booty. Afterall Dick Cheney is a multi-millionaire and it is my understanding that John Edwards can play jedi mind tricks in the court room to win big money from companies. I don't see why he can't show the United States the deceit and lies that follow the Bush administration.

On a sidenote I haven't figured out how to use the heat for my new condo which is quite a boner on my part. All I can say is maybe we should knit a little kitty coat for Blue. I wouldn't mind getting her some of those goggles from "A Christmas Story." Maybe the lack of heat will turn Blue into a super hero. She is already a super kittty and I can't stay mad at her even for peeing on my bed. Jason was sure it was just a sprinkle if anything. I guess it had to have been Jesslyn because Blue can do no wrong.

Monday, October 04, 2004

indie neauvo

I'm not going to start with a wrap up from the weekend. What I will do is introduce a novel term to the wickety wickety scene. I have been doing some observing this past year and it has become abundantly clear to me that there is a male trend sweeping the indie nation. It is what I have deemed "parachuting." Basically due to tight faded jeans and tiny thrift store baby-T's, male Indie rockers will create this phenomenon whenever hunching over or leaning in a bar stool at Rainbo. I have felt the pain and I know Brad has gotten burnt by noxious saliva of this indie mantra.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

parachuting Posted by Hello

Friday, October 01, 2004

Wake up

Its Oct 1st and 28:06:42:12

That didn't add up right but you get the gist of it.

Its true life is getting colder and our breaths are beginning to take form. Either way softball will happen today. It is the end of an era though. The end of after work beers in the park accompanied by me and Jason either being rbi kings or bok choi and broccoli(a couple of vegetables on the bench). This battle will all be in good fun or will it(that was fair you #$%*&# I'm going to !$#% down your throat and call it a sundae)?

The debate was glorious last night and it started to seem like a cat playing with a bird that it is going to eventually kill. At first GW was full of life elegant cocky. Once Kerry knocked him against the wall and batted him the head a little he began to fluster(wrong right time right wrong war wrong right place). It seemed like he had that written on his forearm or something just like 28:06:42:12. I also had a feeling that while Kerry was writing competent notes, Bush was just drawing pictures of tanks and Piss on Osama emblems.

Let me end this post with a "praise to pip" for using the phrase "Pavlov's Dog-esque repetition." Deep down you hate journalism and love science.

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