Friday, October 29, 2004

WELCOME TO THE BLACK PEARL, Lets raise Hallitburton!

"Bush team takes to the road while Kerry team raises Halliburton!!!" I felt it a fitting article for this rainy Friday morning. It sounds more like a creation from the natty staff at the "redeye." I bet you someone is getting railed out this morning in the redeye conf. room. "Who do they got on their investigative team, I'll pay double". Some people have a green thumb. I have a green nose. Now get that serendipitous Sleuth.

It certainly feels like Halloween nowadays. When I was walking to my car this morning I could feel the rainy colorful leaves beneath my feet and could see the early morning fog in the air. I carved a pumpkin last night and started with an elaborate plan for Ralph Wiggum but ended up cutting half the side of the pumpkin off. Now it slightly resembles a Smeagle Wiggum. My precious I saw one of the babies come out and it winked at me.

Somehow Owen was quite fitting for this dismal morning followed by forbidden love(a nick pick,one time in the car we put on the first song and he was like,"finally something that I want to listen to and enough of that sad bastard s$%t you've been c#%ping down my throat since freshman year, oh wait this is slow oh no I've been converted into a sad bastard as well. WELCOME TO THE BLACK PEARL flash forward to nick being parachuted up into the air from down in the gullies THIS IS REAL). "You can bring the food, and I'll bring the F#$k you's." Oh Owen your so deep and troubled. I just want to tend to your hardened soul. As a praise to Pip I'd have to rate the The Arcade Fire a mighty rating of 4 stars. It sounds like a hybrid between 70's bowie, consistent modest mouse, and Animal Collective.

Whew that last paragraph had absolutely no direction. It was like I got inside the cockpit of a go-cart and decided to sit facing the wrong way. How did I steer and pedal you say? My entire body is double jointed and is much worse than that scene in that Red Hot Chili Peppers video.

Moving towards a cleared direction apparently I have dreads growing now. I think it is from switching from fancy shampoo to VO5. I thought I had found liquid gold and I'm not talking about high guys. I'm talking about never spending over a dollar on shampoo again.

Happy Halloween to Madison, Champaign and wherever people close to me are spending all hallows eve.


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