Friday, October 15, 2004

Dinghies for everybody

As I am in the story writing mood I thought I would indulge and give a few gems before the noon hour. This morning was rainy and I began to hope for rain that would bring the water level up to my head and therefore impend cars from driving down the streets. Then your just left with those weird people who for some reason or another have paddle boats ready at their disposal and cruise around aimlessly to be on the 10oclock news. You'd also have those goofballs that joined underwater hockey out and about ready to highstick. Its days like this that I wouldn't mind taking the dinghy out for a good read. Everyone can take dinghies to my party as well as I am on the 3rd floor. Don't let the records get wet or else they'll warp. Hold them high above your head on the way over. I know everyone has their story but I lost an Otis Redding record to water damage and I'll never be the same. As I look outside the rain is all but gone thus ending my elaborate hypothetical fantasy scenario.


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