Friday, October 22, 2004

eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep

The Newcity article came out this week and to my inner desire self-satisfaction one my camera phone pictures was published. It even had my name on it although it didn't say courtesy of Jeff Schneider. I was under the impression that the editor had a contemplation to put the big C word but then decided that I did enter it a bit ambiguously like Peter Parker. I was disappointed to find that the picture was only on the print version but here for your pleasure is the online article. Its pretty well written even though I done haven't looked at that there grammar thing since hikeschool. I really didn't have to type like that, as you can see from my past 60 blogs, my grammar is pushing 5th grade level. I don't even think I can write in full cursive anymore. How the hell do you write an upper case Q, is it a 2 with wings or something? I'll just make the world happy and start talking in numbers. 6482. That meant hello and I love you and would you like to go to the park with me and maybe play in the sandbox. I can't tell if that's more confusing than my previous ramble.

In any case the show at the bottle was fun. Complete with Jason in a giant camo bunny suit, Pip as a super tall astronaut(Neil Armstrong was crapping in his pants), Jessyln was a fly(there was a sign that said check your fly before going on stage and I thought it fitting), and finally I was a knight complete with knee guards and meshy chain mail. People always talk about doing things in wicker park and how there going put on big shows and to quote kit quoting tannembaums,"take it out and chop it up." For about 98% of the time things fall through. As Nick was telling me, my friends always come up with these elaborate ideas like Brad getting an army of mopeds for us all to cruise around in but when it comes down to it people just want to eat macaroni and cheese and go to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep for the whoo weekend yahah;odiahfae;o8iherpqae9hja;ia;heo;ah03280yh@"P(Y#2'h to sleep to wake up for the next day of eating macaroni and cheese and going to sleep to wake up for the next day...

Maybe that was a little extreme but I have a few friends that call me the 'extreme "tell it how it is" machine'.

A sidenote, Will referenced and awesome article in his 10/19/04 blog entry and you can go read it here.


I just wanted to throw that in.


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