Monday, June 19, 2006

I've said it before and I'll say it again Radiohead is the best live band I've ever seen

Excuse me as I return from my very philipsesque break from the blogosphere. All it took was a good rock concert to set me straight. Radiohead played a bunch of new tunes tonight which gave me hope for the progression of music. Summer has arrived and rules supreme. Here is a pick from the show tonight where the bass player decided to play tambo. You can see it in the upper left portion of my crappy camera phone pic.

The concert was great and I even enjoyed the two guys dancing next to me as it seemed like they just jogged out of a Thom Yorke indi work out video. Complete with hand motions and gyrations. I went on vacation last week and enjoyed some sun and relaxation. Not to mention getting into a fight with people at a bar called Uncle Paulies that Neil Young was way better than skinnard. I thought it was common knowledge.

Just watched charlie rose as a sweet nightcap to the radiohead concert. And Al Gore said that these extreme hurricanes are a result of manmade global warming since the seventies. It sounds like common sense but I think its important to push this into the mainstream. The book is An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore and I think I may try to get it book on tape for my car ride to UofC. Naysayers say nothing, it helps me finish books faster than actually reading them. I do both and I think I absorb the content the same. I think there is a terrible prejudice against books on tape but I think everyone needs to give them a chance.

Hummingbiird are playing this friday. Fox and Hound * 910 W. Dundee Road, Arlington Heights. They play from 8-11pm. Come!!! I think and hope there is a shuttle bus.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dundee Road? Reminds me of Santa's Village and how mom chaperoned my sister's class years ago and how i went and how it suuucked.

12:59 PM  

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