Thursday, May 11, 2006

If you always get up late, you'll never be on time

The song was running through my head as punishment this morning as I sloughed in to lab at 11am. To add insult to injury I was drinking coffee on the way over and took a sip put the cup back in the cup holder and with a little bit too much english tap the cup a little due to a turn I was making and woosh coffee all over the console and my hand. I'd say in the top 5 things I hate in this world, spilling coffee on myself ranks in at #1. It smells, its sticky, you can't drink it anymore, and definitely can't get the much needed caffeine from it. Its rainy and gloomy and if it gets in the way of our homeopener tomorrow I just may crawl in a hole and die.


Blogger annie said...

#2. car horns

11:43 AM  

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