Thursday, February 23, 2006

If I had a second skin I'd probably dress up in you

Naysayers say nay no more, this single line makes up for any faults the new belle and sebastion album may have. I even like the preceder, "I don't want to see you on the list of nearly made its."

A few things I picked on this week outside of listening to music

-We're the only species to experience menopause. The question therein lies: is this natural?

-The Olympics are amazing. The Winter Olympics are so much cooler than the summer Olympics. My pun aside, they're mysterious, tear inducing, and fast. At least figure skating was for that matter. I was really hoping for Irina Slutskaya to win what with her mom having liver failure, her having vasculitis, and both for living through the adversity of her last name. It had all the makings of a disney movie and reminded me of the time when I was watching Armageddon with Tees and nick in our dorm room and tees cried when Bruce Willis was yelling at Ben Affleck about his responsibility back home. I'd be lieing if I didn't have a few goose bumps as well. Then there's the ski jump with moves like the hurricane. That's enough mystery in that event so I'll leave it at that.

-The green eye has climbed to the top as far as bars go. Walkable, a cheap date on the beermue, and a bartender named turbo who is an old pedal steel fan. He even got Adam and I a round which locked it in as my new favorite bar. Plus you can hear the el go by every 12 minutes or so which is friendly reminder that you're living in chicago(if the tamale army weren't enough).

-I'm actually going to see my two favorite bands in one night. This saturday I'm going to see Jeff Tweedy of Wilco at UofC at 6pm and then Animal Collective at the logan square auditorium at around midnight. Talk about your rock block of all rock blocks.

-Roy got all our hopes up for a weekend in chicago and then let the air out of the balloon on Wednesday. I'm not counting on a davis surprise either.

-Bush finally put on the big magic store ear and said, "I'm listening to reason."


Blogger one too many mornings said...

olympics???? what the f? you need to be writing more songs. only watch it if there is nothing else on and you have to eat your dinner.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

as for how i feel about the olympics, call me cold hearted but i think its annoying when stupid whats his face breaks into sad bastard story about the performing athelete. listen, im not watching the olympics to get insight into so and sos sob story from russia. do some crazy back full twist jump thingy off a crazy steep ramp of ice...and man, i hope you land it. breaks my heart when they eat shit.

11:15 AM  
Blogger شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض البيت الابيض said...

شركة تنظيف مجالس بالاحساء
شركة تسليك مجارى بالهفوف

3:00 PM  

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