Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well he's back jack, smoking crack, find him if you want to get found

I couldn't stop singing that as I was leaving Mandel hall on saturday night. The songs about Jesus and is called "ruling class." Its from the new Loose Fur album horribly named Born again in the USA and to those that don't know that's Jeff Tweedy and Jim Oroarke's side band. Also I was singing the song cause I'd just seen it live and in the front row. Somehow getting to the show an hour and a half before hand got us front row seats. He looked a lot shorter in person and his hair kind of looked like road kill. Dan said its cause he quit smoking cigarettes which I'll have to take his word on. After the Tweedy show we hightailed it out of the depths of the white city to the Logan Square Auditorium for the Animal Collective show. Man over board it was like seeing The Arcade Fire on crack. There's something about a guy gyrating to the music and adjusting levels with a head lamp that just made sense. Then Juli whispered in my ear that he looked like the DJ from Zoolander who relaxed and just did it. Didn't want to hear that. Aside from turning into a killing machine the light show and smoke machine was fun as well. It just seems like they get so much more out of two guitars and drums than I thought was possible. Getting ready for a spike of work headed my way but now its just the calm before the storm. Or maybe I'm in the eye of the tornado since theres a rush of work during midterms and then another rush at the end for finals. I went to a dinner on Sunday night at Bernard Roizmans for another recruiment weekend for new students and he had an entire room full of african masks. It was a bane for getting to know you conversations since every face on the wall scowled at me from a different angle allowing my attention span to get devoured. The place was built around the turn of the century and ever turn in the place was something out of the a James Bond movie complete with little doors, spiral staircases, huge windows, and high ceilings with wood carved designs. Its the last day of February and the month in general was a bit of a "meh". Today as I was walking in to work I felt like maybe I should have worn my bathing suit for a dip in the lake but rapidly forgot thats it was probalby only 40 degrees but I'd be damned if it didn't raise my morale a bit. The 12 noon schedule sounds good on paper but from time to time you'll throw your cell phone in the other room and sleep til 11. Especially when its feels like a siera mist commercial everytime you take the sheets off yourself to get out of bed. Yeah kind of like that. One more quick word, Pip and James, you guys are going to have to start having nightcaps on weekdays or you might as well still be living in the suburbs or your brothers closet respectively. We'll even come to you and your weird bucktown bars.


Blogger Jeff said...

yeah, saw your text just as i was going to sleep on Sunday. the problem is we aren't moved in yet.

The landlord sanding the floors plus having the flu minus a bed equaled a no go last saturday.

But this saturday = too fast, too furious.

If you have about a half hour on Saturday around 12 to help Stan and I unload some stuff, that'd be sweet. (Man, you didn't see that request for a solid coming, did you?)

8:50 AM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

I would but Laurel has a doctors appointment at 11am and we're getting lunch out there. Nothing serious but I won't be around. Plus I'm going right to Champaign afterwards for the singleman affair show. POKIES!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Bishai said...

Awesome sierra mist reference. man my eyes take forever to adjust from reading your blog to the post a comment page.

I sure hope I'm healthier by this weeekend, 'cause I'd still like to see that show at Iron Post.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

I don't know about you but I love finding reasons to go down to champaign. I guess Will,Boomsa, and Kelly are going as well. Shaping up to be a sweet trip back to fantasy camp.

8:48 PM  

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