Saturday, January 21, 2006

Walking in a winter wonderland and then I decided to start a snowball fight

Started the night out with an anti-bosconian battitude and started a group of girls conversation. If only I had my knitting needles I would have been complete. It wasn't so bad as usually when you're in a group of girls and the only guy the conversation goes straight to fashion,babies,and cramps. I had a heineken oil can to grease the wheels and by the end I was fit for the Indy-500.

Once we made it out of the apartment the air had a feeling that said the snow was at its perfect formation temperature. I liked the part where pip was in the crows nest until he hit me in the face and almost broke my glasses. About that time I thought it might be a good time to stop but then it dawned on me we were in a really great snowball fight. We had three teams all the while screaming in every direction that there are no teams. I wish I captured a few shots but you'll just have to imagine these pictures from damen as snowball fight pictures each with its story. There were three teams:

blue team-jason, jessyln, will (2 girls and a scaby baby)
red team-Nick, Boomsa, kato, and me (we hid behind a car
gold team-Ben, Erich, and Pip (had dumpsters to hide behind and clearly held court)

I made one last gettysburg charge got hit by six snowballs and ran to rainbo.

Once I got into rainbo I felt like a yetti. I was covered in what was now water, my glasses were about as fogged as a dentine ice commercial(if the breath didn't freeze up), and my hands lost complete feeling with the last operating nerve at my wrist. Be it as it may I was still able to hold a pint against my breast and sip until the booze shot life into my fingers.

We hung out with Owen and the guys from the Record Low. We actually hung out with the guys from the record low, we were merely proximal to owen.

Rudy finally made it to Rainbo in time for a few drinks before lights out and he sent good vibes at every elvis in the club(did you know that each one was made in a different year? yaooooo!). That was good because we lost nick and katyln to cookies and jason and jesssyln to bedtime. After getting kicked out of the rainbo we sloshed down Damen to a long line at Estelles but b-lined for a short line at Nicks.

At this point I was about ready to throw in the towel but then Rudy turns his head and says this line is 5 minutes tops and guess what we are going to live it up tonight. He may or may not have said that but he did say something along those lines that hypnotized me into making it a neocks night.

Spirit was high last night although I gave it my best to clear any drama that was in the air. That ones going to need to be a verbal apology. I don't care which one of you guys do it. In fact I will think highly of the person that has the guts to say they're sorry. I'll even buy you an oilcan the next time I see you.

I am free to arrange meetings of people who want to be friends again. I've been organizing uncomfortable groupings of people since I put together volunteer weekends in highschool.

I even arranged the Lagrange Theatre blind date of nick and mike when they were going through tense times together. That was a great one I think we may have seen jumangi or something. I wish...

Alright thats all I have but as I was sitting at the blue line stop snapping pictures like the paparazzi I thought of a wonderful show that had two hosts at a make shift blue line stop and talking to people and the destinations they were going. Man that avenue has an endless amount of turns. I got the idea when I saw a man with a Saskatchewan hat and a labtop backpack walk up the stairs just as a train was coming in and he said, "yeah!".


Blogger Unknown said...

great post. enjoyed it thoroughly out here in steamy venezuela.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Booomsma said...

Dude, that was a great night indeed. I left the bar in sneak-out fashion and when Erich called me to yell at me for leaving, I just kept saying 'My feet are wet, I need to go home.'

That was a long walk, let me tell you.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Will said...

That was Will, by the way, not Boomsma. I'm on his computer dowloading horse porn and snuff movies.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

'twas a great night indeed.

Sorry for the snowballl to the face (in a perfect "you'll shoot your eye out" Christmas Story fashion of your glasses nearly breaking).

Man you took a lot of pictures.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Bishai said...

we are very fortunate indeed to have a schneider in our numbers, one who will never fail to bring us together. thank you jeff!

2:01 PM  

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