Thursday, April 28, 2005

That's fun in the collective sense

So animal collective we're quite amazing and really danced around on stage while they played. Aside from not being cartoon characters they were everything I expected. Their live show had many of the songs from the album but they sounded completely different. I bring this up because so many bands are reduced to pushing the play button on stage much like they were a band featured on SNL. This lost my faith in the shins which by the way I would like to get back but after being let down 3 times in a row in concert and no new album I've heard of I'm a little pessimistic.

On a sidenote I'm excited Kit has embraced Wilco. It looks like you've finally climbed aboard the ship directed for the seas of sad bastard. Argh matey we'll put you deck swabbing duty for the first month. Enghst that's myyyy jobs, put him in the gally cleanup. EEhaarghlahgle, that's me job and I've got star tattoos in my arm, I can move up to navigator. Okay maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself and go back to cleaning out the spitoons. happy birthday as well.

Wilsey pickety, I think you and tommy are on to something. You should update the scrabble boards when people comment and get everyone involved. That way we can all play scrabble whenever we choose.


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