Friday, April 22, 2005

Its BP mania

Every friday there is something called treats day and people trade off bringing in breakfast. Its the equivalent to the office space Hawaiian shirt day(feel free to cut loose and leave the tie at home) created to saturate the brewing anger about to spill over onto the coffee maker. Today I made triple doubler which is a feat I can now stand by and call my own. In laymen's terms I made a not only a triple batch of pancakes but a double batch on top of that. It was a feeding frenzy. I felt like Abe Lincoln in PeeWee's Big Adventure only the ceiling was a collection of people ranging from researchers to secretaries. "Hey there chair of medicine how about a light and fluffy banana pancake." The response was, "Man those are tasty." At one point I was hucking pancakes into the hallway much in the way Will Ferrel threw snowballs in the movie, "The Elf." People were diving liking carp during a feeding frenzy, cutting each others necks in a banana induced mayhem. I just sat back and watched as we were in the middle of an all out BP marathon(two gas stations how ironic). Yeah so I made pancakes all morning and its almost time for lunch.

Yo La Tengo officially renewed my faith in concerts and blew me away much more than the last three times I saw them. Maybe because this was the most recent but with that Todd Rungren cover under there belt they could have juggled apples for the rest of the show and I would have been happy. Even if they bruised a few and a worm came out and gave me the stink eye. As for tonight come out for Kaitlins b-day as its a 90's party and I know a certain group who lived the 90's during college so have no fear. Bring out the pearl jam gear, don't forget the hypercolor shirts and of course I'll be wearing Zubaz pants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your banana pancake mayhem reminds me of that lovely day at nick's old place when you stuffed us silly and threw a pancake in the fan. Nick rightfully decided that in a Schneider-designed world people would always be talking from/throwing stuff out of/climbing in open windows.

Enjoy the weekend brother.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was Will by the way.


4:55 PM  

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