Friday, April 29, 2005

Hitchin' a ride and man what a role model

"No, wait...I'll tell you something," said Zaphod. "I freewheel a lot. I get an idea to do something, and, hey, why not, I do it. I reckon I'll become president of the galaxy, and it just happens, it's easy. I decide to steal this ship. I decide to look for Magrathea, and it all just happens. Yeah, I work out how it can be done, right, but always works out. Its like having a galacticredit card which keeps working though you never send off the checks. And then whenever I stop and think-why did I want to do something?-how did I work out how to do it?-I get a very strong desire just to stop thinking about it. Like I have now. Its a big effort to talk about it"

Yup Hitchhikers opens tonight and I've got to say that speech best sums up Nicks angst with lack of follow through. I mean if Brad had this attitude we would have a band of mopeds roving around wicker park like he raved about last summer. If Jason and Will read this there would be a food not bombs chapter running in Chicago like thay talked about 3 months ago. Nick you don't get off scott free either, come on start your hotdog stand, you'll make millions and I'll work for you. My till is always on. You'll corner the market, I mean all you have for competition are the guys that sell what look like giant orange funyons in those carts with bells on them. Follow through is so easy to ignore when inspired by lacadazia and the blows. Bring on the angry comments maybe it will spark a little commmmmmotion in the cellar. I'm going to rattle some cages peterson. We're not just going to sit back with your finger on the button. What button? Oh no what button? I'm too old. Speaking of follow through I put off finishing this book to the two hours between dinner tonight and the opening of the movie at niner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would I work for free when I can work for money? I'm poor!


12:39 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

yup you see a lot poor people with their own computers leaving for greece to live with their girlfriends. In fact I haven't seen a single poor person without plans to go to europe

12:58 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

Sorry Will I was just getting a little bawdy with you. I'm glad the ref called us even. Even though he was drinking waterbottles full of vodka. I don't think he was even watching the game.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! We all win!

...and about that 'sod' or whatever - i just said 'seed' and clean the garbage out of your yard. Who says I still won't do it?


7:01 AM  
Blogger one too many mornings said...

this has got to be the best post I have yet seen in blogsworld. fuck yeah j-lo. I sick and tired of watching all my talented friends sit around and talk and not do shit. Quinn you have some really really great songs as well as blogs and if you don't do anything with them you are depriving the world. Same goes to fask, gp and oglsberry...fask where is the hand gllider and giant burning man vehicle? what about the bowl bart? robby do you even read this...I have a ton of shit I haven't even finished yet and kick myself every day...

8:29 AM  

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