Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Point me towards "GO!"

It feels like its taking forever to get around the monopoly board today. Its not as if my silver car is going slow its just that the distance seems much farther.

I gave a presentation at work today and I got here early enough to catch the custodians arriving. Its so bizarre to watch opposite worlds begin their day. People who you know have a crappier lot in life. Some with makeup half on others with sweat pants a little too low(not to mention a huge picture of fat albert on the caboose). All in a zombie like state sort of swaying from side to side beginning to jump on the meat grinder for another oz of life to get squeezed out.

Getting back to Monopoly, that was one of my favorite childhood games. There is something about stacking up red hotels on those two cheap purple properties that got me excited. Way back when Mike,Kevin,I used to play the game weekly. Kevin used to play about half the game and then give his money to charity. I think I may have something here. Kevin is studying political science right now in Brussels and wants to give back to the community(or so much as I've come to the conclusion of). Mike and I on the otherhand got way into flea markets and collectables during those early years. Mike and I continued to play this game into highschool as Kevin drifted away bringing newbies like Doug Stepina and Erin Demski into the realm. One time Doug farted while the four of us were playing and nobody said anything. It just created an awkward silence that would have been ignored during my younger younger years. Those were some pretty carefree days.


Blogger Jeff said...

the best part is that it sorta comes out of nowhere...i'm reading, i'm laughing about Fat Albert sweats, i'm reading...WHAMMO, hilarious fart reference. Bravo Schneider, Bravo.

2:50 PM  

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