Friday, February 18, 2005

The birds are flying north finally

It seems to me in my miniscule amount of time that I've lived in Chicago that rock shows come in waves of migration. As soon as I'm about to hit my shoe against a rickety fence cursing the stars that there aren't any good rock shows going on the fabric of time begins to shine and the world is changed. That's right a rock block is heading our way starting with The Frames/PST on Mar 5th, Yo La Tengo on April 21st, and Animal Collective on April 27th. Lets see four of my favorite bands, yup that's why I live in the city with a baby blue and white city flag. Although I don't claim any affiliation with the downtown sector and can't really claim a neighborhood sector, I was still able to catch the chicago fever. Its like and itch you keep scratching til your whole body is red. Analogous to rock fever would be Bear fever. With Zubaz pants(very bizarre zebra striped pants that went in and out of style in a single season but fans still cling to like the shroud of Teheran), a couple Line 7/Starter jackets layered, a Bear head ski hat with teeth, bear claw mittens, and lets not forget the undies with the bear stuffed animal hanging. Sometimes on a rare occurrence you'll have the double positive rock fan/bear fan like Ward. If you don't know this friend of Gary, he's a really genuinely nice guy once you get past the dip spit. It was a little out of place at the Empty Bottle though. He had just come from a Bears game(one in which they won, "Man they're going to do it this year I just know it." "I've got the 85 feeling, Ditka you should really rest Payton this game, you're 11 and 0 for godsake") and was decked out in "you wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it" zubaz pants.


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