Thursday, March 10, 2005

where have all the ducks gone...

I've been in a cave trying to come back to reality the past week and each time I do I trip over garbage from my condo. Am I doomed to the same fate as my father with briefcase after briefase of notes comprising half of the entire basement and not to mention a fully functional garage attic coming soon? Can I consciously backout of this already genetic disposition. I don't understand how my brother and sister can both be super organized and anal about their stuff whereas my filing cabinet is a cardboard box next to the couch comprising blank cd holders,old ink cartridges,bills, and a user manual for a heart-shape waffle maker. Maybe its on the Y cromosome and my mom had a fragile X or something for me whereas my sibs got the compensation needed. I guess the only option is to evolve. I don't mean to grow wings, which by the way would be sweet, but to live,learn,and adapt. I've peeked into what could be while mixing the new Darling CD, while circling Gary's organ. His office, although quite chaotic, seems to be messy but managable which seems to be my lot in life. I guess everytime I could organize things, the sun is shining, drinking a coke, wearing aviators, and telling my to do cartwheels down the street. Whereas the moon in T2 shades(like the suns but metalic and evil) tells me to watch twilight zone and play the guitar(KEEP ON GAMING). Possessions in my mind are time consumers and in the words of Neock Rivers(dans new nickyname after recent concert exposure), "people are what matter, always keep that in mind." This reminds me of one time I watched fight club with Tees and it came to the part where the main character states, "Sometimes your possessions begin to own you." Tees turns to me and goes, "man thats true." This is no insult to Tees as he was one of the best roommates I've ever had but he did have the remoter control light dimmers, 6 foot tall subwoofer(for those movies where you need a little extra bass obvious), and 250 DVDS. My advice for anyone is to find a good outlet for your mind guitar/piano/harmonica/journal and to throw everything else away.


It seems crazy to me in this fast pace world that there is a journalist movement against blogs. At least that is what it said on the news last night, claiming that millions of people are writing opinions of other people without citation. WHERE IS THE CITATIONS! Kind of sounds like some people have been institutionalized. Like old Brooks with his Sparrow and book cart. However, sometimes on the rare occasion you end up with the blournalist, someone like Pip who majored in communications, loves(d) journalism, and is the one of the most avid blogger I've ever come across aside from Q who almost burnt out last week(pace pace pace you newbie).


Blogger Will said...

You can't climb out from under the genetic disposition toward messiness. And YES it would be cool to fly.

Gaming means gambling.

7:21 AM  
Blogger kit said...

I call it, the 'Life of Schnei'. Awash in a sea of disorganization either makes you crazy (the good kind) or crazy (the bad kind). Good sunglasses solution, they keep people from looking at your soul, especially when your ripped apart.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't cure it, just periodically rebel against it. I have to occassionally go through my bedroom or office like a jungle with a machete slash and burn style, and just convince myself that I don't need all of that crap...ending up with garbage bags full of papers, receipts, bills, old magazines, feces, banana peels, etc.

Then let it pile up for another 6 months and do it again!

11:53 AM  

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