Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ah yes the cham-cham

Friday night's radio gig was a lesson in the making. I forgot to bring any picks to the radio studio so I booked it for JC's and he was happy and willing to offer me three picks of gold weighed against my soul. The set went really well and I'm quite impressed knowing all those that took an effort to hear the show live- JC, Marielle, and Cardboard Inc. I particularly enjoyed doing the interview and showing how this whole Darling vehicle was created out of desparity of living with parents and drinking mooseheads at the local drunk tank. I did start to freak out last fall that if I was going to watch movies every night, my life was more or less the story of a couch and an empty pallet. That is the source behind "Reading Lines." as the opening line is "So it goes, living the movie screen." Comfortability has a way of leading one into a state of matrix induced happiness and the farther you fall in the harder it is to get out. I felt like I was 300 pounds overweight chained to a wall eating dog food. And I'm over 7 feet tall so that doesn't paint a pretty picture. It wasn't that bad but I was also watching a bit to much ben stiller show for my own sake. I knew it was a problem when Jason and I would turn to each and go "Batteries, I'm not a robot" in resolution to any dispute we got ourselves into. After pouring our hearts out over the wavelengths of the radio frequency range we played pictionary at marielle's and the rest of night wrote itself.

Saturday started at 1:00pm in Hyde Park and I had a standard Solonica breakfast which equates to gyro filled omelet. Almost sounds like the best stuffed with the second best eh? And make sure to put it on my diners club card. I made it down to sound check about a half hour late and for some reason my time controlling powers were a little hazy. Better go check to see if that raccoon is chewing at the wires of my antenna again. Everything worked out for the best and it felt like we were playing at an arena. Some highlights from our show would be Tommy making a beeramide only to fall over by the raucousness of Turning Gray. I like to think I was doing a little mind bullet target practice. The rest of the night can best be described as fandemonium with Sainte Chappelle stealing the show. What does that even mean?

Fandemonoum: A state of terror induced by fans connecting minds and defying gravity as the stage rises out of the ground into a tornado of hair, fingernails, and sweat.

The party after the show was great fun and it seemed that all the key ingredients were there: booze, music, late night pokies, and mister crazy thing. I enjoyed when Mr. Blue Skys caused the floor to turn into quicksand as everyone made a mad dash to cut a rug for the survival of the night.


Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

And when you say "to my face" you really mean at your computer.

I of course applaud your conviction as the internet needs people for constant review. Keep up the good work.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Will said...

Salonika - that's where Efi's living now!

the extra 'b' is for 'byobb'

9:08 AM  
Blogger one too many mornings said...

hey anonymous

if you are so enlightened in verse and the like
then why are you wasting your time commenting on someone else blog?

nothing more than a typical paranoid "has been" wasting your days away commenting on other people's blogs.

jesus get a life, I bet you haven't written a word in your life, let alone had the balls to show anyone.

why don't you pony up some verse,
if you are so knowledged?

9:16 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...


Schneider induced someone to write hate mail? That's the funniest thing I've seen all day!

and it just means you're on the right track.


9:37 AM  

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