Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Its the end of an era.

Sometimes it feels like I'm falling through a sewer shaft on a bungee chord attached to Otto. Each time I fall its because something in my life is fading away and when I hit my head on the sewer cap its when its when it finally hits me. As Pip has alluded to in his 12/01/04 entry titled "We're all growing up and the world around us is getting bigger," getting old isn't a bad thing. To completely change the subject, it was Pip's last show yesterday at the Schubas and although it wasn't perfect it was still a great show to end on. I can still smell the fresh paint.


Blogger kit said...

Hugs and kisses for the ones I misses! Cheer up soggy drawers I'll be seeing you rock pert near this saturday. Laters!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...


tell me the bizarro-world linguistics of Madison didn't brush off on you... "pert near"?

Though I've heard it before from those Wisconsonians, and though I understand what it means, it's downright blasphemy from an Illinoian's lips.

Whenwecometopartywewillpartyhard.THAT'S HOW WE DO IT AT THE CANOPY!


10:54 AM  

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