Monday, November 29, 2004

a circle of wheezing

Long breaks really break you from reality as I layed in the snow at the forest preserve with my sister and the dogs. As I layed there in my full snow suit I wondered how long it would last, 3 more hours til thanksgiving dinner. That night my sister and I went to the arcade fire show which was the best show I've seen in a long while and fully lived up to their studio album. I would say they went above and beyond the call of duty. Everyone switched instruments throughout the set much in way I would expect broken social scene to do if I ever saw them. They're both from Canada eh?! In any case they had this one guy walk around with a drum at his side(drummer boy style, might as well march into the revolutionary war, where's the flute) and a tambo in his other hand just running around and giving a little chorus when necessary. The next song two of the members put on motorcycle helmets and continued to play percussion on everything from the side of the piano to the stage lighting in the manner the blue man group would but much cooler(however I've regained faith in the BMG since David Cross started featuring the color on arrested development(strongly rising as my favorite tv show)). After the show we went out on the town starting at nicks cribbage and followed by my first visit to rainbo with my sister. Quite nostalgic and as GP puts it, "the 3rd level of crossmojination." That was only the beginning, after that we went to Nick's late night bar where it was my goal to teach juli what vampires are but there weren't any out. I thought thanksgiving would cause a magnetic draw to the tap for vamps everywhere. That was about it though so I can't say much more.

The next day we went to the dunes ala will's lake house. Nothing like trying to race up the dune with 8 blue moons in your body. Nick, Ben, and I sat at the top of the hill clenching our hearts in a circle of weez. Every 2 minutes, someone would say "oh shit that hurt." I never quite recovered from that and my night was an uphill battle the rest of the way until retirement.

The new simpsons fakeout last night made me sad.

We're playing this week in milwaukee and madison respectively if anyone wants to come out on a little road trip.


Blogger nadball said...

i didn't see the simpsons, what was the fakeout about? you might want to redo the link to yur bands site, it's sorta fuked up. sounds like an overall good t-giving. i'll update you on mine when i get aorund to it.

11:49 AM  

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