Friday, December 10, 2004

Hid behind the canopy of blue, shade my eyes and I can see you...

Ah another weekend into the orange and blue yonder. First stop 55 ave, Hyde Park. I know what your thinking, pull your head out of the books billy shakespeare, they'll be more tumble weeds than keg parties where your headed. We'll be appearing on "Pure Hype" tonight on WHPK which streams world wide on the web. If you need more info alliterate me about it later. On Saturday we start our Highdive into the BrassRail country of Champaign dodging carnivorous cowboy monkeys swinging off Iron Posts this way and that, that one is spitting, no spitting! If you want me I'll be hiding under the shade of the Canopy Club hanging with my old war buddy colonel rhodes getting high with the ever elusive hooka smoking Nargile all the while praying to our patron Sainte Chappele. Now that was just the meat of the sandwich, for bread we have chosen a delectable KB classic for the bottom bun and a Barnacle alla Benito for the top. Stick a pirate saber through the middle and you have yourself cold cut good enough for Shaver himself(of the infamous highway 50 Shavers gas station).

And its he ho pirates life for me stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains.

Ironic that we threw a pirate party for Joe and my sister when we were sophys in college and now that were graduated and in depends they return the favor.


Blogger Jeff said...

I've clearly been around you too long -- I understood ~90% of that.

4:12 PM  

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