Monday, November 15, 2004

I'm cold and there're wolves after me

It is dark outside and its 4:15. This happens every year but every year it manages to freak me out into a state of shock. It knocks me into the fetal position and all I want is to be safe.

Friday night was fun and on my walk over to Pizza Hut with Janet I managed to let the receipt from the ATM slip out of my fingers and it started to fly in the wind much like the red balloon cruises away from little children. I start bebopping and scatting every which way to catch the slip of paper but each grab ended without success. I honestly followed it for 30 feet before it slipped under a car and out of my life forever. The show at the Hideout was superb, probably the best PST show I've ever seen. They even played fishnets which I used to take to parties freshman year of college(6 years ago)to dance to. Although there was a pushup competition at the other end of the bar, I still believe the majority of the hidaways enjoyed it.

On Saturday I roused a mangy voss to come to the hollywood grill with dan,gary,brian, and rob. Its funny the hollywood grill doesn't really have good food but remains a staple of wicker park. Maybe its the disturbing micheal jackson painting coming out of the hollywood grill drawing or the fluorescent light bulb covers airbrushed into harleys on clouds or huge hearts that are on fire. Pure genius! We had a pleasant lunch and all described our ideal saturdays. Ideas that came up were foosball tables with a pony keg while watching trainspotting and including outdoor frisbee breaks with hackey sack intertwined. For a brief moment as Gary put it there was a rainbow possibility hovering over the table of the perfect day actually happening. Then we split up and I had to bring jc his backpack to wicker park and I also had to go home to help my brother move equipment. The perfect day didn't pan out but the night was still fun.


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