Monday, November 08, 2004

Next time, a round of dutch babies on me

Dutch babies. Fluffy cake with some lemon dripped all the while getting sprinkled with powder sugar. Such a novelty, it is just something I think Ellen ordered once from OHOP along with 3 large orange juices, 5 club sandwiches for the week, and the denver omelet for scotty back home(this thing has everything!). Meanwhile Pip is sitting at the end of the table with the one cake one link meal cursing the stars for the even OHOP bill split. Even stranger my family does make the other end of the OHOP dynamic duo,the famous apple pancake, which my Dad did have to crawl through the ventilation shafts in all black, dropping from the ceiling like in mission impossible and to finish if all off with in his white and black striped spandex creeping under laser sensors alla Entrapment. All for the recipe which brought joy and cavities to my childhood.

Also I saw the Incredibles and was impressed. Leaving me with my order for Pixar films thus far. 1.)toy story 2.)toy story 2 3.)incredibles 4.)bugs life 5.)Monsters Inc. I put the last two on the list to fill space. I really hated those ones. Jason Lee is the voice of the bad guy and the plot twists with a predictability that makes you happy someone out there is thinking about retired superheros and not the inevitable global nuclear holocaust facing the world.


Blogger Jeff said...

somebody mention that laser scene? firgured i'd be the proverbial "frat dude" and mention Catherine Zeta Jones' hot ass.

also, you forgot a little Pixar Phenom...Finding Nemo. So is Incredibles better or worse than that?

12:39 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

With the snowboarding accent on the sea turtles I had to dismiss the whole movie. I cringe just thinking about it. I still like it better than monsters inc so you can slip it in the 5 spot.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

With the snowboarding accent on the sea turtles I had to dismiss the whole movie. I cringe just thinking about it. I still like it better than monsters inc so you can slip it in the 5 spot.

Finding Nemo is not even in the same class as The Incredibles. Its like comparing your shit pizza with Fat Don's. No comparison unless you're sado masichistic like the tees and order them every night. Shit pizza shit pizza shit pizza.

12:59 PM  
Blogger one too many mornings said...

Monster's inc. was way better than finding nemo, no comparison. Finding nemo sucked and I have no idea why people liked it. Shrek sucked too

2:07 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

They included an addictive chemical that made you crave at fortnightly. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't any of our fault. I was just as guilty. Maybe a little less. I did trick myself into loving them because they were identical to totino party pizzas I was raised on

10:09 AM  

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