Friday, November 12, 2004

the vehicle is learning to live on its own

The world is round. Yup that's the first thing that popped into my head as I started this post. As I walked into work the sun shined so bright my pupils crawled to the corners of my eyes to hide from the blinding rays. As bright as it was old man winter was creeping around the bend to blow a few icicles onto my ears. Wednesday night we had practice as usual but this time we had Pip teaching Neock bass lines and it was bit hard on me. So here's to you Pip, because I know you'll end up reading this eventually, its gonna be sad to see you go. I don't know, there was something about that Fall after graduation when we started up the band. Me and Jason not having girlfriends and living at home, perfect desperation material to start up a vehicle for emotion. But the vehicle grew up and started learning on its own accord. New parts coming out of the air and me just losing my mind made for some good songs. With the addition of Jessyln was shaky at first but really worked well. As I always describe it, Jessyln's voice is like a warm blanket for my smallpox of a voice. Enough of the behind the music blog entry and onto bigger and better things. Neo Voss was in classic form and went all the way across the room to the staircase(to get a running start) and proceeded to charge head on towards pip. As he jumped right into pips body I immediately started seeing pokes and jabs that looked like fat paws and a grizzly beards trying to get out and then kablam the song was over and taught.

And on to this sunny morning and to the future where each minute is new. I don't have any plans for this weekend except going to see PST at the hideout tonight.

Getting back to Wednesday and sitting on the porch. Nick and I had a few night caps while Pip had white bread thank you very much with a tall glass of water for dipping. I don't know why we all kept repeating, "we're not going to get another night like this." Even my Dad opened the sliding door and said "not gonna be another day like this until May so let us all tip our glasses of turnip juice to the sky and not let this slip by." Although it was short lasted and nick chugged his Elliott Ness in one sip, we had a good ol roundtable discussion that you know is few and far between.


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