Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Deck the Halls-O-Ween

Its right about now when the holidays all start blending into one. As soon as Halloween is over its about time for Thanksgiving break and what was that oh I already heard a g%d d#%n Christmas commercial on the radio. It seems that people get swept into a feeling of comfortableness so much that nothing in life really means anything unless its made of turkey or has a jingo jango associated with it. Don't get me wrong I love Halloween and Christmas makes me feel fuzzy. Thanksgiving is a holiday marking human slaughter and I don't hold to much kindred to it. But getting back to the point, I don't think anything really gets done during this period of lacadazia.

As for my Halloween, I enjoyed bar hopping but never really made it to a costume party on Saturday Night. The night was abbreviated a little bit early due to are 7:00 pm start time. I guess that's why nick had half a car attached to his body and there was a piccante food fight on Damen/Division. I particularly liked playing the Jetsons with Judy,Jane,George,Crusty Cogswell and myself(Elroy).

Today was Election Day and I voted in my hometown and got a donut and coffee out of it. I voted at the same time my parents did(7:00am) and they showed me who the "good" candidates were. As I didn't quite do my homework beside Obama and Kerry I went with there choices as most people do when confronted with there parents views. Call me shallow but I respect my parents beliefs and definitely fall in line with there political views. That may be the brainwashing talking but I wouldn't doubt if that was the trend across the nation and is the real reason why we are stuck with a two candidate system. Early brainwashing coupled with outstanding qualifications leads us to where we are now...picking someone who you think will beat Bush. I'm worried about what could happen with four more years of bullheaded Bush in office. On the way home from work yesterday I skipped through every AM channel on the dial and couldn't find a single pro-kerry radio station in the bunch. Every single one had some john republication spewing out Bush sayings as if they were force fed by papa W and J.R. is turning the airplane into a UFO sailing out of the hanger. Every single radiostation said the same thing, Kerry wavers in the wind and no one really said a single thing good that George W. has done right. It is a campaign based on fear alone and I hoped that it will be exposed for what it is. A lying Cesspool. Cesspool, cesspool, cesspool. A Cesspool on the Potomic is just about right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh God, If Kerry doesn't win I think I'm gonna cry and then move out of the U.S., I know that some of you are with me.


9:48 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

Start packing because Kerry just conceded.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

curses curses curses...thank god I'm getting out of the country for his first six months...oh wait, no...his foreign policy gives me and fellow Americans abroad the ol' screw job too! Damnit they thought of everything!

9:12 AM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

I just spent the last half hour in the bathroom and it consisted solely of me crying. Everyone is stumbling around work grumbling that it feels like its sep 11. Wait thats me.

9:37 AM  

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