Monday, September 20, 2004

From Softball to Tanks

Champaign was everything I wanted it to be. It really felt that during our softball game on Sunday it could have been any of the 8 games we've played over the past 3 years. The feeling was there and so were the people. It really makes you think how long is this going to last?

My brother recently started a blog as well so go here to read. Although we have similar genes he does have much better grammar than I do and is a hell of a lot more organized. Judge it yourself. Nothing like a little schneider invasion to brainwash the nation. Maybe that's a little extreme. Some would we say we ate Utter and he is in our stomachs right now.

My mom is growing concerned by the day that I'm going to be shipped to Iraq. She keeps sending me emails that say the draft is getting pushed through congress right now and it could be instituted as early as Spring 05'. The bill is titled "HR 163" and if you paste it into any search engine you will find a two page bill that shows the mandatory military service for people 18-26 regardless of sex and school. I'd be eaten alive out there. I haven't even punched someone in the face let alone ride around in tank screaming burn motherfucker burn. I know that's not how everything is over there but that scene from Fahrenheit 911 is really playing with my head these days. How can one man cause so much pain and not be put away for life. There is no exit strategy. As soon as we leave there is going to be civil war and genocide or at least thats what the acting iraqi government stated yesterday on 60 min.


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