Friday, September 10, 2004


So it feels like I've been turning dreams into reality these days or possibly turning reality into dreams. I'm playing the Empty Bottle this Saturday night(9/11) and its critics choice in the reader thanks in no small part to Red Crayola and Make Believe. I'm not sure why the booking agent picked us for openers but I'm not gonna question it.

I had an elaborate scheme last night to make us light people(kinda like the dog in gremlins hanging from the porch in Christmas lights) on stage complete with a dimmer and red bulb hearts but I cut my finger and blew a fuse in the house. I can rebuild.

I've been reading my journal from Italy and realized I did nothing but lay around and eat there. Viva Italia. I did have a job however. I taught advanced english and as many of you know my grammar is pretty close to 3rd grade level. In any case I made my Italian students learn Bob Dylan songs and not only translate them but explain the metaphors that caused solace in Robert Zimmerman's life. "I came out of the wilderness a creature void of form" That's right he began a new relationship over again. "Beauty walks on razor's edge some day I'll make her mine" that's correct Fabio love is so fragile that its like trapeze walking on a fine line. Yeah I wouldn't trade those days in Italy for anything. Maybe for a show at the bottle though.


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