Friday, September 03, 2004

Lets not do jumping jacks on card castles

Last night I listened to the Presidents speech on NPR on a trip down to Chicago and couldn't help but feel scared. He really is leading our country forward on a foundation of a card castle. He resorted to slandering Kerry first for being rich and from Massachusetts, not like we need a little rivalry between the south or the north or anything but then told half a story about Kerry not agreeing with a bill for body armor and helmets. This 87 billion dollar request was agreed by Kerry when the tax cuts were cut but when it was put forward with no backing Kerry didn't agree. It is rather confusing and Bush made fun of him for it. Maybe if we hadn't gone to war under false assumptions we wouldn't need so much military spending. The speech last night was very hypnotyzing and was filled with god schmod this and god schmod that. It really is ritual suicide. In any case we really need a restart key to push at election day. It feels like the country has turned into a giant escher picture. The onion really had it right the other day when it said "small group of dedicated rich people change the world."

Leave it up to Elliott Smith's posthumous release to help create an outlet for this reality-"I can deal with the psychic pain as long as it slows down my higher brain" My dad really liked Elliott Smith and after his suicide didn't want me to mention his name again. "how could someone with such a voice do something so shallow" is all he would say about that. I can understand raising a family and trying to instill values and hope for the future and then your son's rolemodel kills himself. I'm not saying that Elliott Smith was my rolemodel but he definitely had a voice.

As for this weekend, my band Darling is playing Gunther Murphy's. Thats at 1638 W. Belmont. We go on at 11pm.


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