Monday, August 30, 2004

I wish I had a canoe

My weekend started with sadness. The softball team I am on got defeated on Friday and ended our otherwise below 500 season early. It kinda acts as a slap in the face by old man winter as he laughs in his snow drift. Friday night I went out to dinner and then met up with some friends at a party in Humbolt. I got the standard you look like Dave Groehl which fell off my shoulders as usual. This came from a guy who farts for a living. I asked him what his craziest moment in his life was and I was sure he would say tuxedo t-shirt at prom but really was when he was in football practice and someone hit the crap out of him. Literally. Needless to say we weren't dealing with billy shakespeare here. He even ended up insulting gentle Voss into rage and I thought I saw a glimmer of "maybe I want to fight" in the corner of Nyro's Gyro(eye of the storm). Then Nick walked forward took a sip of hamm's in a can(as if it came in anything else) and returned to normalcy(with the US after WW1). People were dressed to the niners and my friends played the high maintenance game. Its pretty simple. The more you put into your outfit(super high hair or nettings and oversized sweaters past your knees) there is a correlating sliding scale with how much stress you have and impose in your life. Its pretty airtight but I couldn't help from feeling pretentious as a result of it. All and all though thanks to Liz for a sweet party and good time. I particularly liked talking to her about Nick Hornsby. I told her I thought that About A Boy was a better book then movie, that High Fidelity was the best screen adaptation to a book I've ever seen and was therefore better than the book, and that How To Be Good fell way short of the mark. She told me that I took the words out of her mouth so I said sorry and gave them back. But seriously I wonder if this is common knowledge or just coincidence that the two of us think this way. If you would care to comment it would be greatly appreciated so I could put it in some database that I'll never look at again but was happy to have accomplished.


Blogger kit said...

ahh the life of schnei...

7:49 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I can't imagine "High Fidelity" being any better in print than on-screen...I read a few passages while browsing in a bookstore after I saw it and I couldn't picture the characters any other way, so I'm in accord on that vote. Sign me up for the Nick Hornby Readers Database, even though I haven't read About a Boy or How To Be Good. Did you tell this mysterious Liz about "Songbook" even though you dismissed it because it mentioned Bruce Springsteen? That one's a treasure.

Oh and my contention for the theme of your blog, as summed up by an intermediary narrator, would play out like this this.

"Lunacy, meet wordplay."
"Wordplay, this is lunacy. Lunacy makes up his own language on the side and tests it out in text messages."
"How do you do?"

God, I'm bored at work.

11:15 AM  

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