Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nathan Detroit

I've got your horse right here his name is paul revere. So the trip up to Detroit was can do fun and it was great seeing Roy again. He's got a new job dismantling ciggerettes.

Even better Roy's making millions for all of us with his new hover bike he's designing

We tried to go apple picking but they said we couldn't do that anymore cause people were taking apart the trees getting apples. Sad state of affairs but we did the next best thing, we got some cider(clear and yellow you got juice there fellow, cloudy and brown your in cider town) and some apple donuts(Go Nuts!) and hung out by the creek.

It was tought not getting excited for le tigre but if it can't be the sox then why not the team we couldn't catch this year

However there's only one thing that could make Detroit scarier than it already it is. Why not just fill the city with a bajillion drunk baseball fans. One thing of note as surrounded by all those raging fans was that I started to feel nestalgic began to reel on the glory days of 05'. What a different time that was. I was right stab in the middle of midterms and I was glued to the television. But with Elmer came a reason for everyone to come together, drink a few hundred golden girls, and hang out around a roaring radio set to Ed Farmer with a side of television. If we were lucky we'd be in front of Robbie's big screen tele with high def and sound coming from everywhere.

And here's with my take in media these days:

Movies to go see

The Science of Sleep- see past post

Thank you for smoking-I thought it was very well put together and had that very pleasant mix of funny and serious which every great movie should strive for. It also gave an eyehole to how the government works and the whole "but I have to pay my morgage" mentality. What the american public doesn't know is what makes them the american public. Maybe a deep cut from UHF but it did the job as we are rarely conscious of what is going on around our bubbles we live in. For example Bush already said he wouldn't invade N. Korea(gee I wonder why, we're spread thin like butter on pretzil) and an alarmingly large number of kids are bringing in guns to school these days(I'm sure it has nothing to do video games though, they make kids smart and eager to do volunteer work). The fact of the matter is that we don't know much but its nice to get glimours of the inerworkings as this movie so wonderfully did. I mean if evertything was fine and dandy we'd be sitting in one of those matrix worlds while Morhpeus is bloated and sweaty tied to a chair. Maybe he is. Woaah.


Page France
-They have a nice combination male/female lyrics with coupled with an ornamental of keys, glock, and other delightful instruments. They mention jesus a couple of times but the music is better and I chalk it up to one bad apple.

Norfolk and Western-Its always nice when a pedal steel creeps its way into a band and sounds perfect in the that not to distant but obviously coming from the screened in porch sun room. Combine that with harmonies galore, a banjo, and mid-song changes that keep you wanting more. I give it a double stamp. Not just cause we're playing with them on Nov 15 at the sub-t but cause there cd has survived the "I really like this cd" phase and I continue to listen to it past the honeymoon

And here you go for waiting til the end of this mamouth post


Blogger Unknown said...

that picture of nick is horrifying. It looks like his teeth are rotting.

did roy pick the lamb because he looks like one in real life?

4:49 PM  

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