Friday, July 01, 2005

finding faces in time

I have about a week until I switch jobs to another department and it comes to a close 2 years at the same job. The longest job I have ever held and the most worth while. Life has a funny way of introducing new faces into your regular routine. Although I am telling this from my perspective it works the same in every facet of society. Finding friends in this world is easy, but finding friends that last is an incredibly hard endeavor. People I haven't talked to in years from college have dropped off the face of the earth in my mind for better or worse. Its a sad harsh fact that friends get lost for a reason. That sad harsh fact is convenience. It sounds so stupid when written out but strikes a chord in my heart that has me singing Eminor til the cows come home. Its not like I'm sitting in a park on a tuesday afternoon thinking to myself, should I stop hanging out with Mark because I've created a hankering for red wine and the OC on Thursday nights. There is some truth with how you spend your time though as faces can only be saved when met. I'm afraid that with grad school I am going to turn into William Seward sitting on top of Alaska living out my days with an idea, far from life but close to the point.


Blogger SES said...

I love your posts Jeff...a year ago, yours way the first blog I ever read and I remember how cool I thought it was to have an online diary of sorts. Fast forward one year, and I'm doing it too?! Who knew, certainly not works in weird circumcentric ways. I don't think circumcentric is a word but it is now.

12:51 PM  

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