Friday, June 24, 2005

quarter pounder with cheese

So as I reflect on days gone past and what these twenty-five years have brought I ponder if we'll have space cars and halos over our heads anytime soon. One thing 25 has brought me is anxiety about the world in general. Maybe I've seen a beautiful mind a bit too many times but sometimes clicked in my head and now I feel as if I'm part of society(for better or worse). I've begun to analyze the everyday workings of this world like where blue bags go in the city of chicago. The rumor is out there about how the city doesn't do anything special with these blue bags which has led me to believe that maybe the city invented these blue bags so homeless people won't tear open regular garbage bags anymore(creating a mess for the garbage men) and will be able to efficiently collect cans. In anycase this is just another useless chore my mind has carefully mapped out for me. Sometimes I wish I could start a newspaper on useless information. Another thing that freaks me out is big brother and I know that he doesn't really exist but the bush/cheney/christian coalition exist and they are far more evil as they're out in the open. In my head I've slowly figured out that aging creates leverage for the government against you and as you age you become deeper and more connected into society ie mortgage/kids. You can much less easily jump on a plane to Greece(will) and disappear. The government relies on you to be a productive member of society which is why there is such a far right movement and a demand for keeping in with the norms of society. My parents put a no war sign up in our yard and the conservatives ripped it down not the kids that normally knock over snowmen. This secret society mentality has trickled into all parts of my life as I wonder how people become union and what really goes on at their meetings. Its interesting to imagine the world from the beginning and the starting of society still running strong. For example construction(the trucks are always running-we're either dying or growing as a civilization), food connoisseurs, hospitals, and finally public works. There are of course a crap load more like law enforcement and social welfare but each persons lot in life can be predestined. Its when you jump ship that you can make a difference in society


Blogger one too many mornings said...

I am big brother!!!
I think that each ship has a path a head of it and it is hard to determine wether jumping ship will actuall cause any kind of social revolution or change. Think about families who have been doctors for hundreds of years, yes they are far more luckier than the rest of us, but in the end it is the work that they do to aid society that matters not wether or not they were born with a silver spoon. I don't know I go back and forth on this one, I definitely think people and their environment do more to shape people and their society then their career, economic destition. Try your best to surround yourselves with creative, loving people and you are at least pointing your boat in the right direction regardless of what boat you are on..what the hell did I just write..I'm not gonna even reread that just hit the ol PUBLISH button.....

12:32 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

Could you please give me a solution for the current quagmire with rising price of healthcare and governments involvement with biotech companies?

this goes to raging cajen first or okay Dan give it a stab...
empiricial evidence has give hope for a...

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weird you talked about unions...while I was at Stone Monroe park today, I started chatting with this woman who was from Flint, MI (yes, THAT Flint, MI) and visiting her granddaughter. She was talking about how intensely unionized the town is (and has been for a while), how much control unions have (she used to work in some industrial plant) and how they dominate local gov't. Basically dominate local EVERYTHING. It was an interesting 10 minutes, and I would have liked to stay longer to chat, but the kids I was with were like, Sarah, can we go home now?

P.S. I liked "board the next one, pillage, make it rule, rinse and repeat."

1:49 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

happy 25th birthday...wish i could be there.

And is it just me or do all the anonymous posters out there seem a bit ragey.


7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the other Jeff NOT celebrating his recent qp w/ cheese bday is completely right (tell Mary I said hi, Jeff Phillips!)

I think "anonymous" is a cop-out. Yeah, it can be useful when you want to play a joke on somebody's blog and pretend to be someone else, but this "anonymous" (which very well could be more than one person--that's the thing, we'll never know, unless one of these creeps identifies him/herself) is enraged. At something certainly. I think "anonymous" posts when he (or she) is either a) bored; or b) drunk; these two things are either working in tandem or independently, late at night/early am (blogger clock can easily be manipulated!) to produce these 'ragey' rants.

Products a) and b) breed rage, especially when working together. If these pirates don't identify themselves, I'm going to....? Launch a full-scale investigation?
Who cares, either way, this is bizarro.

p.s. back to Sunday "slept-cumulative-six-hours-this-whole-weeeknd-and-had-wild-interactions-but-I-have-so-much-to-say-I-can't-possibly-organize-it-on-my-own-blog-so-I'll-post-on-other-peoples'-for-now" comment box dominating posts...sorry

12:30 PM  
Blogger thealphafelines said...

Who cares who anonymous is.


9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do every third monday, i want to come too, but have book group "once a month". tell me what the date you decide on is--sorry though, I'm not even sure of the true identity of "fred's understudy" i just want to come

12:11 PM  
Blogger the homunculus said...

"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." You know what 'philosopher' said that one? Dolly Parton. And people say she was just a nice pair of tits.

Here's how I decided to change the world: quit trying to change people and quit trying to help people. Become successful, create something new, start a multi-national corporation, start a band, whatever. Just be productive and demand that of everybody else. In other words, "get the hell out of my way!"

11:53 AM  

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