Friday, May 27, 2005

If you love him let him go

This is the t-shirt I saw a woman in her mid-thirties wearing in the hospital. Everyday on the way in from my car I walk through the hospital and thus see a full spectrum of society. I have seen a lot of stupid shirts ranging from fat albert to #1 grandma in the world and must say the before mentioned shirt takes the cake. Who musters the energy to get up in the morning and put on such a shirt? It sad to imagine things not working out in the future this woman seemed to be the walking billboard to emphasize the point to me this morning. What does the future hold. Nothing. There isn't anything guaranteed to us. Laziness breeds laziness and if you don't do anything you don't do anything. This spiraled thought process shot me back to my drive earlier this morning.

8:45-got out the door and started out on Fullerton to 90/94 when I see a man walking in between lanes of opposing oncoming traffic with a sign that said "single dad homeless please help" Thats usual for this intersection and sensitized as usual I go on my way learning of Bush's current brainwashing at the Navy acadamy on NPR. Still in the back of my head I'm wondering is there a rise in single dad homeless signs around chicago?

9:10-got off the highway at 51st and start my ascent on hydepark. First thing I notice when I'm getting on to MLK drive is a homeless man laying on a park bench. This time the scene catches me a bit off guard as the sun is shining on him and there are those little furry seeds from trees falling every which place like the scene in Big Fish when Ewan McGregor knocks the popcorn out of the air. This guy begins to puzzle me as he is sleeping next to a lake probably because he had to stay up all night for protection.

9:20-walking through the hospital to where the spiraling thought process began,pick up a redeye with front page headline "Sound Garden: chicago is where its at for summer music" I think to my self man they've had better headlines than that, "Smarty On!" , "Sith Is It" , "Barack and Roll" and as soon as that thought process begins it dissipates as I'm at work and my focus moves to the present.

On a sidenote I listened to a song by Chris on "chris notes" and must say its really good alla red house painters. Take a listen if you haven't already.


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