Friday, July 30, 2004

Talking with a dove

The Pedal Steel Transmission is playing tonight at the Subterrenean and will go on at 11:30. Last night I was painting a room and I felt like Billy Crudop in Jesus' Son when he was flinging around his hammer to Hang on Sloopy only I wasn't extremely high. Besides making me smell like a Hobo playing hopscotch, it was rather relaxing to paint an entire wall red to white. I felt like I was on a sailboat catching a small amount of wind and just in the distance was a dove. So I finally get close enough to the dove to have a conversation and all he says to me is, Live inside the middle to be happy, Live on the edge to make a change. I was like wow this dove is in my face.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Nothing like a good juke

Last night I set a personal record, and with the vossman as my witness, we put 30 songs on the jukebox.  We quenched our thirst at the local establishment and sat at a table fit for Hobbits.  But we did feel like kings amongst men.  I'm a little sad to see friendships fade away.  Its really odd the way that people just drift away just out of convenience.  Here's how it plays out in my head, so a tiger cub is born and spends great lengths of time playing with his brothers chasing antelopes and what not and he gets to certain age where he needs to cut ties and become the king of a new domain.  Like he doesn't have time in his busy schedule to tomfoolery it up.  Maybe that analogy is a stretch but I works in my head and I chase antelopes all the time up there.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

feeling just peachy

So I was supposed to close today but due to circumstances it will be inevitably be delayed.  Don't wait to put on your party hats.  So i decided to write an Ode to Oscar.  There once was a mean man named Oscar who laughed in the spite of my pain.  As I began to loose my mind he played dice on my future plans.   Much like a piece of cake tempts Bill Cosby so does the allure of having my own place.  So to Oscar all I have left to say is please clean up your life so I can begin mine. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

tall boys and bicycles

I was walking down the street the other day and was worried about where life takes us and how the future will span out.  Then I saw a homeless guy trying to drink a tall boy while riding a bicycle and every time he got a sip he would run into the wall and make a noise like,"enh!".  It was right then and there that I truly realized that we have it so good and complaining just wastes time.

I think of our visit to Madison two weekends ago to visit Kit and upon five minutes of walking to the beach we entered a sailboat race.  The point was to stick as many people on a one person boat as possible.   So it was a  Mad(ison) dash to pull plugs out of the other teams sailboats and attempt to get your schooner to the end first.  I think I had a moment of clarity when I looked to the left and Nick's entire team was moving in unison and Nick was Perched standing up like the rear admiral de sade.   He really looked like Bill Murrey in What about Bob.   In any case the sun was shining and at the end of the weekend I think everyone could immitate a TamTam dieing with precision.


Sunday, July 25, 2004

Lou Reed was on the right track

I wonder what Lou Reed had in mind when he was thinking of such a perfect day.  I put the song on haphazardly today and it really turned out to be a polished day.  Lunch on a street cafe, icecream in the park and a Whitesox game.  The day was almost perfect except the sox got shelled for runs and got beaten.  Lately I've been trying not to swear as much.  Its so easy to let something slip like there was many more descriptive ways to describe how the sox lost today but I steered clear of that hornets nest.  White bread for me thank you very much, maybe a little glass of water for dipping.  But honestly its nice not to live like a sailor. 

The concert was a delight last night.  Its the tightest we've ever been.  Jesselyn really projected her voice and made for excellent harmony.  The other bands were amazing as well including Volcano who had members I hadn't seen since highschool. 

There really is no tornado paragraph structure to this post but thats the nice thing about it I can jump on a broom stick and fly anywhere I want. 

Pictures to be added soon. 

Friday, July 23, 2004

Learning to clean out my head

This is my first posting and I'm not sure how I feel about attaching a fire hose to my head and flipping the switch. But here it goes anyways. I played softball today and got beat by a team that had a collected cockiness worthy for a throne in the cock rock palace and I'm not talking hair metal. I may not have hit a dinger today but I did hit the pitcher with one of my hits. He didn't budge. His wife delivered her own baby. It came out sideways and she didn't even flinch either. Tonight I'm going out on the town. Life has been really good lately. My band is playing the Subterrenean tomorrow night and I just closed on my condo.

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