Tuesday, July 27, 2004

tall boys and bicycles

I was walking down the street the other day and was worried about where life takes us and how the future will span out.  Then I saw a homeless guy trying to drink a tall boy while riding a bicycle and every time he got a sip he would run into the wall and make a noise like,"enh!".  It was right then and there that I truly realized that we have it so good and complaining just wastes time.

I think of our visit to Madison two weekends ago to visit Kit and upon five minutes of walking to the beach we entered a sailboat race.  The point was to stick as many people on a one person boat as possible.   So it was a  Mad(ison) dash to pull plugs out of the other teams sailboats and attempt to get your schooner to the end first.  I think I had a moment of clarity when I looked to the left and Nick's entire team was moving in unison and Nick was Perched standing up like the rear admiral de sade.   He really looked like Bill Murrey in What about Bob.   In any case the sun was shining and at the end of the weekend I think everyone could immitate a TamTam dieing with precision.



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