Friday, July 30, 2004

Talking with a dove

The Pedal Steel Transmission is playing tonight at the Subterrenean and will go on at 11:30. Last night I was painting a room and I felt like Billy Crudop in Jesus' Son when he was flinging around his hammer to Hang on Sloopy only I wasn't extremely high. Besides making me smell like a Hobo playing hopscotch, it was rather relaxing to paint an entire wall red to white. I felt like I was on a sailboat catching a small amount of wind and just in the distance was a dove. So I finally get close enough to the dove to have a conversation and all he says to me is, Live inside the middle to be happy, Live on the edge to make a change. I was like wow this dove is in my face.


Blogger kit said...

So in the idea of keeping up with everyone...Any objections to a visit to Chitown the weekend of August 14th? I got some free time and I want to see how many times I can get shived in your new neighborhood before running to the beach and passing out...let me know or maybe I'll let you know

4:30 PM  
Blogger Jeff Schneider said...

modest mouse is playing that night for 10 bucks at an outdoor fest. It will be good times. plus you can get schived in calcutta if you really want to.

4:40 PM  

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