Thursday, August 12, 2004

End of an Era

I finally closed on my condo yesterday and I feel like I aged 5 years in one morning. I've finally reached my dream of clenching soil in my hands like in gladiator(minus all the fighting) and owning a piece of land. Of course I have been living at home for the longest amount of time since highschool(13months-that burns) and although it worked as an excellent pickup line(I live with my parents-you dig) the cons definitely outweighed the pros here. It was my brothers birthday yesterday and he had a birthday party like in elementary school-restaurant and then bowling. The only thing that was different was the excessive swearing(tradeoff for saying things like "when I look at you I throw up, And your mom comes around the corner and licks it up) and tons of booze(tradeoff for pixie sticks and pizza). All in all it was an excellent cross-mojination/intermingling of mine and my brothers friends. Dan had a few PSTeezers at the lane whereas Nicky got Naty with a few Nickie tricklers. Although the sox lost and the cubs won, the sox-tainted bowling team won the final game and that was a moral victory in the mind over those dirty shawan-0-meter toting, "We got Wood" chanting, barleycorn bumping, Steve Stone loving, "holy smokes thats rock falling on my head"but not caring because I'm wasted and not watching the game North Siders.


Blogger Blogger said...

Nice, congrats, we also closed on a condo last month, we're getting the place together and getting it furnished its almost complete, can't wait to have it all the way we want, which will really never happen.

7:26 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

As opposed to those "Oh-wee-oh...Magglio" chanting, nose-bleed sitting, High Life drinking, look out for the communal brawl along the third base line, don't you dare take the L home, can't-understand-a-single-word-Ozzie-Guillen-just-said South Siders. He gone.

2:32 PM  

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