Friday, August 06, 2004

Ding ding dinger

We're playing softball today on the University Baseball field. Complete with scoreboard and dugouts. I even brought a jambox to sweeten the deal. Not to mention some golden girls. Anyone else want a sno-cone. It relaxes me. I found out yesterday I really am closing my condo this Wednesday so my ode to oscar can be all but forgotten because he was found again. He paid off everything and now everything is resolved at least I think. I have a terrible feeling I'm going to do the final inspection and there will be plants growing everywhere like in Jumanji. Nick will be stuck halfway between the floor and condo below us. Roll the dice. Shock me. Of course there will be monkeys everywhere and I'll attempt to make them all do a group mojo happy dance but they'll probably just yell and play bongo drums or something. They'll Probably break plates and drive everyone's cars. They love doing that.


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