Monday, September 24, 2007

The effort to save Gilbert and Russell islands

The end of tonights episode of the war had a sentimental cliffhanger for me. It ended with.."By the time the 3rd infantry made it to Rome they would have had 50,000 casualties, meanwhile on the other side of the world ,Japan had started to invade Northern India and the effort for the allied troops to save Gilbert, Russell,and Elice islands proved to be challenge." Alright I'll stop bastardizing Ken Burns and get on to the real reason this ending had meaning for me. My dad and uncle were named after these islands as my grandfather Frank was stationed near guadalcanal. My other grandfather was also in the east but didn't use it as fodder for naming his children. Here's a map of the Gilbert islands(my father's namesake):

I managed to watch only 30min of this show tonight but it really hooks you to the end each time you sit down. I plan on closing out a sunday to watch the whole thing, clockwork orange style. Only less painful.

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I was chatting with pip the other night and I was asking him what he thought of the Frames these days. He said he liked them and Mary and company thought they were the best part of the hideout block party. Meanwhile nick, kaitlin, and brad thought that the frames were bad and Andrew Bird reigned supreme. Being that there's two camps of thought on this matter I was hoping someone would help clear this one up. I for one hand don't think the frames have been playing very well lately. I thoroughly enjoyed Once but the movie may be killing the frames.
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My large sony headphones broke this week and I superglued them twice now and each time they've broke so I moved on to the white-mini headphones that came with a shuffle I got for christmas. I still use my ghetto-non-I-POD mp3 player and it strikes me as strange that I don't haven't upgraded to the shuffle yet. I guess I'm afraid of jumping into the I-phone world, sure its convenient but it may eat away at your imaginative soul. I don't need any more opportunities to endlessly waste time(like right now). Moving onto whats being played in my headphones, I've been really liking menomena lately. Their tribal beat and epic singing really hooked me in, bait, line, and sinker.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

End of the summer, gasp

So the summer ended this past weekend. On thursday The costims won over the sabres, 18 to 17, to end the regular season. We ended the season 9-4 which I believe could be a costims record. We look forward to the post-season and the championship race we've been coveting these past 4 months. The rest of the weekend was a blur of bbqs. Somewhere in the middle I had this drawn on my back by Miss Cashman. Notice the Orions belt of acne and my famous heart-shaped birthmark:

Its actually me coming out of the clay river with an anvil fist. It struck me that I hadn't been on that creek since I was 16 or so, over ten years ago. I went with joe mike and probably chad. Here's a picture of diggers:

We had a nice spread for bbqing. I went to the supermarket with nick and ray knowing, that we would probably be spending millions on condies and the fixins'. I approached the market with a loud verbal disclaimer telling everyone that we should try to make it so the total comes out to 8*5 dollars. Halfway through I gave up and searched for fresh tomatoes, french onion dip, and bocas. After we were rung up, the total ended up being 43.50, a mere 3.50 higher than my benchmark. Moments later I learned that nick and ray bought alligater jerkie which made me think that sometimes things turn out the way you planned it even when you don't. In any case here's our dinner table with some candid shots of eating, looking down, thinking, and dodging a picuture:

So I'm gonna end this blog with a kitesque ending, ie a solo shot of myself and a quote like "just chillaxing"

Now if only chris had submission for under two-minute songs, I'd be set.

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