Wednesday, January 17, 2007

As promised

After getting ethiopian food on friday(man we're so cool) we went back and played some pictionary. That lasted for a good hour and then we just ended up drawing each others faces. Here they are:

Straight from the yaz cafe(nick by jason)

kosmo(jason by jeff)

Sinister grin(yishai by nick)

a green gobliner(jason by nick)

Man I'll give anything to not look like Jim from the beachwood(jeff by jason)

Its been confirmed(jeff by yishai)

Alright I may look like jim but yishai is still sinister(yishai by jeff)

Alright of course the yaz cafe wins. Thats a spot on charactacher of nickletoss.
If you've made it through all these charactachers than the takehome message is come to my show on friday at the Sub-T. We go on at 10pm, suck it tommy, I'm a shameless self promoter and I think I got off easy on the roast.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I am Sylar!

Boy oh boy Heroes has really got me hooked these days. As the head of the section I work in stated, "Best Scifi show of our era." A few questions I've been throwing around are, "who the hell does the haitian really work (can you keep a secret) and how close does Peter have to be to absorb someone's power(why didn't he use the force to throw trophies at Sylar).

Jasons' party weekend proved to be a fun time. I think it peaked during trivial when we guessed lassie for first animal name to be honored in the hall of fame and shortly fell to a valley when jason made me change jiminy cricket to "unnamed fairy god mother" for who sang when you wish upon a star.
We've got another show coming up at the Sub-t and we're playing as a three piece electrified power trio since Cristi will be in London.

I finally got around to adding a new song to my solo myspace page

Thursday, January 04, 2007

screw YOU clerks TWO

Yep. I officially have a worst movie I've seen. What with the go-carting and slowdancing on rooftops. Or the clincher, the I love you in a heterosexual way finale. Absolutely not a single redeeming value. I've always dibbledabbled in and out of hating movies. Never this too extreme though. For example I hated congo cause of the stupid looking robot monkeys(before CGI, still running on Duracell). I asked Pip to tell me his worst movie and he hated water boy because of all the medulla omblogata and the "don't you say Gatorade is better!". And a kid in my physics class senior year, steve pesheckas, said he hated phantom menace cause they didn't use the force enough. Only to open a door with a rock. I dare anyone to tell me their worst movie ever and why. 5 points for each one(one per person).

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Man we should have had a 007 party

Check out the picture inside of picture feature on this poloroid. Thats from the end of freshman year

points to anyone who can tell what gary's eating and falling in love with at the same time.

It was really great seeing everyone out and thanks for those who brought such delicious appeteasers(oh by the way I have someone's owl plate(kelly I assume) as well as someone's WTTW handbag(with gloves inside))
The party was a gas until 12:30 hit and I'm assuming people were in search of a bigger dance floor full of single gilmore girls and wonder boys. Thats alright I now have a fridge full of Old Styles. Tons and tons of old styles. No room for ketchup or orange juice. I don't mind, this may take some work but I'll take back my fridge.
With that in mind I passed my final core class and will be proposing my thesis for the next five years this june. I'm leaning towards post-translational modifications during viral entry in the gut but I'm not sure yet. Its funny how everything banks on one thing working out. For example if I don't get someone to rent my condo then I'll be strectched thin on the morgage payments. In addition if I don't pass my proposal, Poland may not be some enjoyable knowing that I'm out of my PhD without the D.

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